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Blog Carnivals

Joy As the Antidote #BBW16

August 24, 2016
Black Breastfeeding Week is a national multi-media campaign celebrating and promoting breastfeeding as a timeless tradition in Black communities. It occurs annually, August 25-31st.
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture

Wellness Wednesday Recap: Surgeon's General Call to Action On Breastfeeding #RisersNBM16

August 24, 2016
We are rounding the corner around the last week of National Breastfeeding Month! This week, our tweetstorm focused on the Surgeon General's call to action on breastfeeding, stats and lots of information. Did you miss it? That's okay! Here's the recap.
Sili Recio's picture

With Each Passing Moment

August 19, 2016
I always assumed I would breastfeed -- naively so, not giving a second thought as to any potential barriers or complications. And thankfully, even with a few small hiccups like tongue tie and delayed milk production, I was able to do just that. But I never expected how empowering and important I...
Lauren Hipp's picture

#MilitaryMonday: TRICARE’s Breastfeeding Policy—A New Mom’s Experience

August 15, 2016
Recently TRICARE implemented a new breastfeeding support policy. Read one mom's experience with it here.
National Military Family Association's picture

Two Sides of the Same Breastfeeding Coin

August 11, 2016
I’ve been on both sides of the breastfeeding coin. Publicly shamed for feeding a bottle to my firstborn and the target of snarky remarks as I nursed my active toddler. Breastfeeding can be complicated, both the act itself and negotiating a society that is all too quick to judge no matter which...
BethM's picture

Top 10 Reasons the ACLU Fights for Breastfeeding Rights

August 10, 2016
This post was originally published on the ACLU's site and is being cross posted here, with permission. A few weeks ago, a mom named Jessie Maher was breastfeeding her baby in the cafeteria of a Target store in Connecticut when a belligerent man approached and said she was “F*ing disgusting” and “...
Galen Sherwin's picture

Breastfeeding Is...

August 10, 2016
There I was, not much more than 24 hours after my lo was born, openly weeping in my hospital bed, nipples cracked and bleeding, exhausted from recovery of a 4th degree tear, and feeling like a complete failure because I couldn’t figure out how to feed my baby. Nurses and lactation specialists came...

#MilitaryMonday: Breastfeeding With A Food Allergy Baby

August 8, 2016
Nursing can be hard without support, and nursing a baby with food allergies can sometimes feel dang near impossible, especially with all of the misinformation both floating around the internet and sometimes even from healthcare providers. Here is how I did it with two babies!
Kit Jenkins's picture

Breastfeeding Stories: An Office With a Window

August 8, 2016
Christina P. is from Washington State. This is her story... When Christina’s son was born in the summer of 2013, she was working full-time at a national pizza delivery company. Like most service industry employers, her company did not offer health insurance, sick pay, or maternity leave. Christina...
Sili Recio's picture

10 Easy Ways to Set yourself up for Breastfeeding Success in Life and Work!

August 4, 2016
Aside from the initial “figuring out how to survive life with a newborn” phase, one of the most stressful experiences for me was trying to figure out how I was going to successfully continue breastfeeding after I returned to work, and how I would fit in pumping as part of my daily routine. I knew I...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
