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Blog Carnivals

Early experiences, lasting consequences

April 18, 2016
I recently traveled to East Tennessee, up in the Appalachians, and the green and mountainous beauty all around really struck me. At the same time, I heard how difficult life there can be, especially for the adorable elementary-school children I was meeting. My local colleagues shared with me a wide...
Sarah Wakeen's picture

Social and Emotional Learning for Bilingual Students

April 18, 2016
As the founder, and current Director of Admissions, of Escuela Bilingüe Internacional, a pre-kinder through 8th grade school in Oakland, California, I am frequently asked by worried, monolingual, English-speaking parents if their child will suffer emotional stress by being immersed in the Spanish...
Liza Sánchez's picture

Trauma Informed Care For Children of #MilFams

April 18, 2016
Every time I hear the statistics that 18 to 22 veterans commit suicide each day, I am heartbroken. I wonder what more could have been done to help. Perhaps nothing, but I don't really believe that. While I have never attempted suicide, I have experienced depression. My husband deployed last year...
Susan Reynolds's picture

Who helps the helper? #InsideOut: Why attending to Secondary Traumatic Stress is an imperative for Early Learning Programs

April 18, 2016
“Who helps the helper?” In a new documentary, Portraits of Professional Caregivers: Their Passion and their Pain , this poignant question is posed by an early childhood educator. Over the last decade a plethora of research has emerged demonstrating that exposure to trauma and violence in early...
Leslie Lieberman's picture

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities: Creating a just, healthy and resilient world

April 18, 2016
Community networks organized around ACEs and resilience, like those participating in MARC, provide a ready vehicle for concerned moms (and non-moms) to join the movement to end childhood trauma and to create a just, healthy and resilient world.
Clare Reidy's picture

The ABCs of ACEs #InsideOut

April 18, 2016
Underlying the buzzwords “social emotional health” and “trauma-informed care” is some astounding new knowledge that will knock your socks off if you haven’t heard about it. And once you grok it, it will change your entire outlook on why humans behave the way they do, including kids. This new...
Jane Stevens's picture

Supporting Social and Emotional Learning through Every Student Succeeds Act

April 18, 2016
A core component of a healthy school environment is supporting social and emotional learning. Social and emotional learning includes knowledge and skills such as understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, feeling and showing empathy for others and making responsible...
Alexandra Mays's picture

My #InsideOut Story: How Social and Emotional Learning Made a Difference for My Kids

April 18, 2016
As a mother of two, including one with special needs and a birth defect, I have seen first-hand how parents, children and society all win when families have access to high-quality affordable childcare, early learning programs, and mental health programs that take children’s social and emotional...
Sheila Arias's picture

Courageous Conversations: How Moms and Families Can Have an Impact on Social Emotional Development through an Anti-Bias Approach

April 18, 2016
Moms don’t need much convincing: we know that the early childhood years are critically important in setting the stage for all that life has to bring, and the ways that children learn how to respond and react. Young children’s social and emotional development - that is, how they learn to relate to...
Lindsey Allard Agnamba's picture

Babies’ Mental Health Matters

April 18, 2016
When we hear about a person’s mental health, it’s often in the context of a problem – a colleague is struggling to handle stress at work, a friend’s child is having behavioral problems at school, or a family member has received a diagnosis. And almost always, these discussions are limited to older...
Matthew Melmed's picture
