Blog Post List

September 18, 2017
Dear New Teacher, Today my child enters your classroom for the first time in a new school . It might be the first day of the school year, or it might be inconveniently smack-dab in the middle of a grading period. He likely knows no one in his homeroom class, likely no other children in the school. Every child has a story to tell, and mine is no different. I am hoping to share a bit of his story with you since you will be with him, teaching and guiding him, this year. His story includes attending preschools in three different states . He will be in second grade next year. And he will be...

December 12, 2016
Our kids attended Vicenza Elementary School in Italy for two years. As we prepared to move back to the United States , I was nervous about the transition to new schools. Will the kids be behind academically? Will they make friends? Will the curriculum be very different? Will they adjust? As it turns out, my time worrying could have been better used learning more about the Interstate Compact for Military Children . I took the crash course when we made it to Georgia. After an expedited move from Italy to Georgia and our first home purchase, we drove from our closing (paperwork in hand) to the...

October 10, 2016
One mom tells you what it is like to have your high school senior applying for colleges while stationed overseas.

August 15, 2016
Recently TRICARE implemented a new breastfeeding support policy. Read one mom's experience with it here.

May 9, 2016
Military families need more child care flexibility than is often available within their military community. One mom builds the case for greater availability of hourly care.

February 15, 2016
Child care can give military families a huge sticker shock. Luckily there are programs, like Child Care Aware, that can help!