Charles Margulis is Media Director at the Center for Environmental Health (@4envirohealth).
Blog Post List

February 8, 2017
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the agency that safeguards our air, drinking water, and regulates chemicals in our environment. It is one of the most important agencies protecting the environment for our children and generations to come. The next head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will oversee longstanding health rules that have protected American children and families for decades. This person will also be in charge of implementing the new chemical safety bill adopted by Congress last year – a historic law on the chemical health threats found in hundreds of...

August 10, 2016
The summer Olympics are coming, and gymnastics are sure to be among the most popular events. But while parents of America’s young aspiring gymnasts -- and even other parents -- are watching the action, most of them don’t know that some gym mats and other foam equipment could pose a serious health risk. A recent study from Harvard, Duke and Boston University researchers found high levels of flame retardant chemicals in the blood of eleven elite college gymnasts. The flame retardants found in the athletes’ bodies have been linked to cancer and may alter the bodies’ natural hormones, leading to...
April 28, 2016
Last month, Congress asked Center for Environmental Health (CEH) Executive Director Michael Green to testify at a briefing in Washington, DC on the Flint water crisis. CEH has nearly 20 years of work in protecting children from lead poisoning threats, and Michael emphasized that solutions need to address lead poisoning threats not only for Flint but for all American kids. In his testimony , Michael outlined how environmental injustices threaten our health even beyond the urgent situation in Flint, noting that “In areas like Flint that have long histories of environmental inequities, where...

August 11, 2015
Leading baby products companies like Fisher Price say that they don’t want parents to be confused about toxic flame retardant chemicals that may be used in many children’s products. So why is Fisher Price refusing to give a straight answer to parents who ask about flame retardants in their products? The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) is co-sponsoring a bill that would require labels to let parents know whether flame retardant chemicals -- substances linked to cancer, infertility and other health problems – are used in the products they buy for their children. We believe that parents...

October 9, 2014
Halloween is a time for spooky fun – but with Halloween coming, CEH has found a scary product sold by Walgreens.
March 5, 2013
[Crossposted from the Huffington Post ] When is a flame retardant not a flame retardant? When it is no more effective in retarding flames than, well, nothing. Since fire safety experts and government studies say that chemical flame retardants as they are used in many products are not effective, maybe we should stop calling them flame retardants. Recently nonprofits from seven states announced that nap mats used in daycares nationwide contain harmful flame retardant chemicals, including a flame retardant that has been linked to cancer and others linked to hormone disruption and other serious...
November 19, 2012
Originally posted on the Making Our Milk Safe (MOMS) blog. Working for a public health nonprofit can get you in trouble with your friends. I’ve been accused of trying to spoil everything from burgers to candy , Valentine’s Day to Halloween . So with Thanksgiving just around the corner, it seemed like time to take on yet another beloved American obsession. No, I’m not talking turkey – meat eaters’ Thanksgiving dinner is safe from CEH (for now). But dessert time is another matter. A recent feature in Mother Jones magazine tells the remarkable story of a woman who quit her job to take on Big...
December 6, 2011
Crossposted from Generation Green , the action center for the Center for Environmental Health. Last week, agreements reached with eleven companies that make products sold at national retailers, including Walgreens, Target, Whole Foods and many others, their “organic” labeled products must comply with state rules requiring such products to contain at least 70% organic ingredients. The agreement requires the companies to make their organic records available to CEH, and goes into force after March 31, 2012. Companies that have agreed to truthful labeling including national brands Kiss My Face,...
November 11, 2010
Crossposted from Have you seen the Story of Stuff ? Millions of people have viewed Annie Leonard’s viral web video highlighting the health and environmental impacts of our consumer culture. Now, Annie returns with the Story of Electronics , a new video questioning the “designed for the dump” mentality that encourages constant upgrading of our computers, cell phones, game consoles and other electronics – while creating massive amounts of e-waste (the outdated gadgets piled up in our drawers, closets, and garages). CEH is partnering with Annie and the Electronics TakeBack...