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Paid Sick Days

Support Paid Sick Days When You Eat Out

October 22, 2010
Imagine going to work with the flu. How about having a toddler with an ear infection? When a child in Washington, D.C. gets sick, she may not make it to a doctor if her parent is a waiter or a waitress. It isn’t because the parent is neglectful. Despite a paid sick days law passed two years ago in...
Andrea Lindemann's picture

For Now.

October 15, 2010
We're outraged that, mere weeks before flu season starts, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn announced she won't support the New York City paid sick days bill, effectively "killing" it. For now. Why “for now?” Because we know how important paid sick days are to working moms and our families’...
Ruth Martin's picture

Too Bad Mayor Bloomberg Was Never A Working Mother

October 14, 2010
Last week, Mayor Bloomberg issued a press release advising people who get sick this season to stay home for at least 24 hours. He makes it sound so easy. Of course, Mayor Bloomberg has paid sick days. So, it’s hard for him to understand how the other half lives. The other half being the nearly 50%...

A Race Between Philly and NYC on Paid Sick Leave?

October 13, 2010
As New York continues to waver on enacting overwhelmingly popular legislation that would guarantee working people the right to earn paid sick time, other cities are catching up fast. Consider Philadelphia, where I had the opportunity to attend an event on earned paid sick leave yesterday. Spurred...

Boat is Sinking for Opponents of Paid Sick Days – Quinn Should Bail Out Now

October 7, 2010
The case against a proposed law requiring paid sick days in New York City is falling apart. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn should change her current course, embrace the bill as her own, and move forward aggressively before further delays and equivocation cost her politically. Far from...

Changing the World One Mother at a Time

September 20, 2010
I am a mother. I am lots of other things but as society continues to discount and undervalue this role, it is easy to get frustrated and not claim it as loudly as I should. The world talks about how important mothers are. Yet often mothers are the last ones on the list to be asked for their opinion...

Work-Family Policies Must Include Grandparents

September 12, 2010
Grandparents are the glue that holds many families together—yet our workplace laws don’t honor their critical role. Grandparents play a more vital role than ever in building strong families and caring for our nation’s children. In addition to providing emotional and financial support, millions of...

Be careful not to sit on the fence with paid sick days

August 26, 2010
Council Speaker Quinn’s measured approach to paid sick days is wearing thin to the point of transparency, and it may well cost her politically. By holding up a vote until opponents of the bill can produce a piece of unsound research, Quinn is showing too much concern for the sentiments of a...

Campaign for Paid Sick Time in New York City marches on

August 26, 2010
Councilwoman Gale Brewer introduced a groundbreaking bill last year intended to provide mandatory paid sick leave to New York City workers. In response to concerns put forth by the business community, a newly revised version of the bill was introduced on March 25, 2010. The new 2010 version of the...

NYC Paid Sick Leave rally draws crowds, opposition and Gloria Steinem

August 26, 2010
A crowded rally was held Tuesday on the steps of City Hall in support of a paid sick leave bill currently pending before the City Council . The pending legislation was introduced in August by Councilwoman, Gale Brewer. The rally, scheduled to begin at 12 noon, drew such a crowd that by 12:15...
