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On April 12, we will “celebrate” Equal Pay Day , held on a Tuesday every year to symbolize how far into a second work week women must work to earn the same amount men earn in a single work week. Research shows that the wage gap is real and has had adverse effects on women’s lifetime earnings and...
Jennifer Clark's picture
Today - Tuesday, April 12 - is Equal Pay Day. The day that symbolizes how far into 2011 women have had to work to earn what men earned in 2010 - for the same work. That’s right. We’re four months into 2011 and women have *just* caught up to earning what men earned in 2010 for the same work ...
Ruth Martin's picture
Photo by Ian Bratton at A divorced janitor, a 27-year employee and the mother of a seventeen-year old son with the mental capacity of an 18-month old, fails to report for mandatory overtime one Saturday when her son’s caregiver could not work because of a sick child. She calls twice...
Kristin Maschka's picture
April 12 is Equal Pay Day. Chicago women will gather at noon at Daley Plaza! Pay equity is the thorn in corporate America’s side. Every company claims it pays equitably. No employer thinks that it contributes to the 19.8-cents-on-the-dollar pay gap. Yet the evidence keeps piling up. A long-...
Mie Lewis, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Women's Rights Project Here at the ACLU, we've seen — and challenged — many of the ways in which the government singles out women for surveillance and control over our private lives. The never-ending fight for reproductive freedom is one obvious example. But...
ACLU's picture
I was a professional recruiter when I was pregnant with my first child in 2001. Two weeks into my maternity leave my job was eliminated, leaving this new mom without the full-time income that my husband and I had planned on. The day after I was laid off was September 11, the day of the domestic...
Angela Sasseville's picture
If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed. Download the original attachment “Hello, my name is Nelsy. I’m 26 years old, and I have many qualities that you would like”… You would think I’m signing up for , but I’m not. I’m signing up for
As we continue to mourn the passing of Geraldine Ferraro, and honor her extraordinary life, women today must not forget the words she spoke in her 1984 convention speech, “The issue is not what America can do for women, but what women can do for America.” These words should serve as a clarion call...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
As a United States Senator, I’m fighting for jobs today and jobs tomorrow. I am on the side of a fair economy, and I am on the side of good guy and gal businesses. We need an economy that works for everyone, and works for the American family. But that means equal pay for equal work, and that is...
Women have made significant gains in the workplace in recent decades, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at their paychecks. For every dollar paid to men in the United States, women earn just about 75 cents. The gap is even wider for female minorities. This disparity, which affects women at all...
Frank Lautenberg's picture
