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Two nights ago, I hosted a gathering for my new ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy . The event was an opportunity to experience the interactive nature of my project as well as to meet Hawaii's Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa, a candidate for US Senate , who is...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture
Here at MomsRising, we are counting down the days until health coverage begins for millions of uninsured Americans in the new year! There are just 3 days left to enroll for those who want their plan to begin on January 1st. You must enroll in coverage by December 23rd to be covered on January 1st...
Felicia Burnett's picture
We're gearing up for another #FoodFri Tweetchat! This week MomsRising and our guest, Tamara Walker, a registered nurse, public speaker and Mom Blogger will discuss artificial trans fat, it's effects on our bodies and the proposed Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") ban. Although artificial trans...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
There are so many compelling, interesting stories published on the MomsRising blog every week. Below is a selection of posts we especially hope you didn't miss! Check them out; we'd love to hear which were your favorites in the comments below. Thanks! #RADIO this week! - Creating Change! From music...
Anita's picture
My 3-year-old’s favorite dress – the one she wants to wear every day – is from Children’s Place. With 1,123 stores, Children’s Place is one of the largest children’s clothing retailers in North America. But what’s behind the label? Today, The New York Times home page is featuring heartrending...
Liana Foxvog's picture
How stressful is your job? How much control do you and your manager have to fix it? Since my book, Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink , was published in September, I’ve given dozens of interviews with print, radio, and TV reporters about the state of working motherhood in America. Over and over...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
If you think that America’s children are still being served mystery meat for lunch at school, it’s time to take another look. Personally, I'm fed up with reports that ignore the real food revolution in school breakfast and lunch. It's as if these folks have never heard about the 2010 Healthy Hunger...
Dayle Hayes's picture
Lots of children have three parents. A boy’s mother and father might divorce, and one remarries. A girl might be raised by a single mother, a cousin, and an aunt. But everybody, without exception, has two biological parents. For the moment, at least. The United Kingdom is on the verge of permitting...
Enola Aird's picture
By Alicia Gay Asia Myers, a pregnant woman expecting a baby girl in less than a month, works for an employer that forced her to make an unthinkable choice between a healthy pregnancy and her paycheck. Early in her pregnancy, Asia suffered from complications serious enough for her doctor to put her...
ACLU's picture
Does it sometimes feel like that gingerbread man is looking right at you? Winking perhaps? Suggesting how awesome he'll taste in your coffee? If you're like many of us, the holidays are a time for family and food. And we love it. But as so many of us know, they can also be a time when we let go a...
Karen Showalter's picture
