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MomsRising Newsroom

January 28, 2015
Statement Last night, Tacoma made history as the very first jurisdiction in the nation to pass a paid sick days ordinance in 2015. The ordinance passed by a vote of 8-1. The final ordinance improved on Mayor Strickland's original paid sick days proposal by covering all workers, including those in labor unions. The 40,000 members of MomsRising in Washington state and the over one million members nationwide who have been working hard to advance paid sick days, mark this moment as a step forward.  
January 20, 2015
Statement "Tonight, the President clearly articulated what mothers across the nation experience every day: Our families, our children, and our economy are being hurt by the fact that we as a nation have yet to update our antiquated workplace and family economic security policies, including those relating to childcare, earned sick days, paid family (maternity/paternity) leave, fair pay, taxes, and healthcare access.   
January 16, 2015
News release
January 15, 2015
Statement “Today, President Obama took a tremendous step forward to update the antiquated policies that are hurting our economy, women, moms and working families all over America.  
December 15, 2014
Statement Today, Senators listened to moms, not the NRA, and confirmed Dr. Vivek Murthy as U.S. Surgeon General. Dr. Murthy has an outstanding record of service and expertise. Moms and families all over the country applaud his confirmation and look forward to his leadership as America's Top Doctor. 
December 9, 2014
News release WASHINGTON, DC -- On Thursday, December 11th, moms and their kids will be on Capitol Hill to deliver decorated paper dolls and parent stories to members of Congress with messages about the skyrocketing costs of early childhood education.  Members of MomsRising will deliver these messages the day after President Obama is set to convene a White House Summit on Early Learning with the focus on increasing investments in preschools and childcare - fundamental early learning opportunities that ensure that all kids in America have the most opportunities possible and that our economy can thrive.
December 8, 2014
News release Members of – the online and on-the-ground organization for moms and everyone who has a mom – will present a gigantic "thank you" card, signed by hundreds of moms from around Pittsburgh, to Mayor William Peduto’s office to thank him for his dedication to children’s health:   9:30am -11:30am, Tuesday, December 9 Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh  (Large Party Room)
December 3, 2014
Statement “Today the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case of Peggy Young, who while pregnant, was denied doctor-recommended desk duty by her employer, UPS. MomsRising and our million-plus members stand in support today of the plaintiff, Peggy Young, and pregnant workers everywhere who even now, more than 35 years after the passage of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, are still experiencing discrimination on the job. Young v. UPS could have far-reaching health and economic implications for women and families across the country.  
December 1, 2014
News release WASHINGTON, DC ̶ On December 3rd, the U. S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Young v. UPS, a case which examines  a  workplace policy that discriminates against pregnant workers and could have far-reaching health and economic implications for women and families around the country.  UPS employee Peggy Young was pregnant when she requested that she not be required to lift more than 20 pounds, as advised by her doctor. UPS denied her request, despite having made  such accommodations for many other classes of employees.
November 24, 2014
Statement “Mothers should never have to fear that our children could come to harm at the hands of those charged with protecting them. And yet, today’s refusal by a St. Louis grand jury to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Mike Brown is an apparent miscarriage of justice that reinforces the all too familiar narrative of lives cut down by those entrusted with protecting and serving - a story of racial profiling and police brutality.
