News release This weekend, Montgomery County families will come together for a special family Play Day featuring storytime, healthy treats, face painting, animal balloons, arts and crafts and much more, while they show their support for paid sick days legislation in Montgomery County.
The event, hosted by MomsRising and Jews United for Justice, will be held:
3pm – 4:30pm, Sunday, June 7
Ohr Kodesh Congregation
MomsRising Newsroom
June 4, 2015
May 14, 2015
Statement Dairy Queen announced that it will be removing all soda pop products from their kid’s menus, by September 1, 2015. members, joined by advocates at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, had been urging the chain to improve the nutritional quality of its kids' meals by removing soda from the kid’s menu. The voices of moms and parents were heard!
Photo: Good Food Force national meeting on soda in kids meals.
May 13, 2015
Statement Earlier today, MomsRising members, staff and volunteers stood with more than 30 organizations, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and numerous other U.S. Representatives, on Capitol Hill to send a message loud and clear that it is indeed #MissionPossible to build a strong economy for families, women and our nation.
May 8, 2015
Statement “The Department of Labor has sent its new guidelines for overtime pay, which will expand the number of workers who are eligible for this crucial protection, to the Office of Management and Budget. We at MomsRising and our more than a million members are delighted at this action.
“For too long, too many workers have not been able to qualify for overtime, including many people living below the poverty line. They have been missing out on the pay that could make the difference between being able to put food on the table and sending kids to bed hungry.
April 15, 2015
Statement “Kids and their families across America can breath a sigh of relief as Congress renews funding for one of the most wildly successful programs in our country: The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Thanks in large part to the past success of CHIP, nearly 93% of children in the United States have health coverage. This means our children—and our nation’s future parents and workers—can grow up healthy and ready to learn in school.
April 14, 2015
Statement “April 14 is Equal Pay Day, which acknowledges that on average, it takes women 15 months to earn what men make in 12, and it takes women of color and mothers even longer. That means it can take women a quarter of a year or longer to catch up to men’s wages, and that’s just shameful.
“Today, two MomsRising members joined Senator Barbara Mikulski on Capitol Hill to share their stories about wage discrimination, including AnnMarie Duchon from Massachusetts, who discussed her seven year struggle with unequal pay.
April 8, 2015
News release Members of – the online and on-the-ground organization for moms and everyone who has a mom – will present a giant "thank you" card, signed by 300 members, to Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings to thank him for his dedication to children’s health. The card delivery will be held in conjunction with the city’s announcement of a new campaign to enroll more eligible children and families living in Dallas in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
March 25, 2015
Statement “Today, the Paycheck Fairness Act was introduced once again in the House and Senate by Representative Rosa DeLauro and Senator Barbara Mikulski. While we praise these champions for their perseverance in pressing for this crucial bill, the moms of America are deply disappointed that this long overdue bill still is not the law of the land.
March 18, 2015
Statement “More than two decades ago, Congress passed and the President signed into law, a groundbreaking bill that guaranteed most workers unpaid leave to attend to the arrival of a new child or to a family member’s medical needs. It was an important breakthrough, but it was only a first step. Today, we need paid maternity and paternity leave and paid leave for medical needs. Leave that would be guaranteed by the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act), introduced today by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Rosa DeLauro.
March 10, 2015
Statement After years of pressuring fast food giants to stop marketing sugary sodas to children - Burger King has announced that it will be removing all soda pop products as a default option from their kids menus, effective immediately., joined by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, has been urging the chain to improve the nutritional quality of its kids' meals by removing soda from the kids menu.