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MomsRising Newsroom

February 4, 2016
Statement “MomsRising and our more than one million members across the country applaud and strongly support the Child Care Access to Resources for Early-learning Act (Child C.A.R.E. Act) that will be introduced in both the U.S. House and Senate early next week. This bill is an exciting step forward in expanding access to affordable, high-quality childcare. Parents need safe, enriching places for their children to be so they can go to work, and children need safe enriching places to be so they can thrive.  
February 2, 2016
News release A bill in the Florida legislature that would allow gun permit holders to openly carry weapons is causing concern across the United States and could have a dramatic negative impact on Florida’s tourism industry. That concern has been shared with MomsRising, an online and on-the-ground grassroots organization focused on family economic security, and the group is sharing those messages with Florida lawmakers and others.  
January 29, 2016
Statement Earlier today, President Obama instructed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to work with the Department of Labor to require large companies to report pay data on race, gender and ethnicity in an effort to uncover disparities in pay that are not based on performance.     In reaction to the news, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, executive director and CEO of, issued the following statement:  
January 22, 2016
Statement “Legislative proposals in Florida that would allow concealed weapons permit holders to openly carry their firearms are causing concern among families in the ‘Sunshine State’ and families who vacation there. We have heard from people across the country that they will give up their Florida vacations if open carry laws are passed.   “The Florida Sheriffs Association’s proposed “Inadvertent Carry Amendment,” introduced this week, is a responsible solution that balances the rights of permit holders with the legitimate safety concerns of families.  
January 7, 2016
Statement “With Mayor de Blasio’s signature, New York City is taking the lead on supporting working parents who need time off to care for a newborn baby or to take care of an ill family member or their own illness. Starting this year, New York City employees will be able to take parental leave without a reduction in their paychecks.   “We applaud Mayor de Blasio for leading by example and recognizing that paid leave policies are win-win-win. They make for healthier and more stable working families, and are also good for employers, our communities, and our economy.
January 5, 2016
Statement “Gun violence is a crisis in our country. That crisis has reached a fever pitch with almost as many mass shootings last year as there were days in the year. In fact, there have been more than 100,000 deaths as a result of gun violence in the last decade. This cannot go on. Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, aunts, uncles, and grandparents should not continue to face losing loved ones to senseless acts of gun violence.  
December 22, 2015
Statement “New York City’s new paid parental leave program is an important step forward toward in the nationwide effort to support working parents. Next year, city employees will be able to take leave to care for a newborn baby or to take care of an ill family member of their own illness without a reduction in their paychecks.  
December 18, 2015
Statement “The MomsRising team was deeply saddened and appalled to hear of the allegations of sexual harassment and assault at FitzGibbon Media. As advocates for women and their families, we admire the courage of the women who have come forward and extend our sympathy also to those who have faced harassment but who might have felt it was not safe to speak out publicly. We also stand in solidarity with the former staff who are now without employment because of their strong convictions."  
December 18, 2015
Statement “The bi-partisan tax package passed by the U.S. Congress that includes a permanent fix to key provisions of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC) that otherwise would have expired without congressional action will boost our economy and help keep millions of families afloat—including the 21 million moms who access the tax credits. Among them are one in four of all military and veteran families, who receive both of these credits and need that money to help make ends meet, keeping food on the table and paying utility bills, among other things. 
December 9, 2015
News release Washington, DC—MomsRising and 22 gun violence prevention groups (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Newtown Action Alliance, Connecticut Against Gun Violence, Northwest Corner Committee for Gun Violence Prevention, Greenwich Council Against Gun Violence,
