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Voting is a Parenting Responsibility

September 29, 2020
Walking in a sea of people towards the ballroom, I felt the weight of a long-sought goal coming to fruition. My brain spun on the fact that nine months later, I would be able to vote. It was February of 2012. I had lived in this country since 1979 when I came from Colombia as a seven-year-old girl...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture
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CHIP IN QUICKLY: Fierce, rigorous, fearless, peerless, and a mom. Notorious, even.

September 19, 2020
Fierce, visionary, fearless, rigorous, peerless, and a mom. Notorious, even. We promise to live up to and honor the values Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for. Will you join us? Now is the time. With immeasurable sadness, America’s moms mourn this tremendous loss -- and we honor Justice Ginsburg...
Kristin's picture

Mourning the Loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Pioneer for Women and Powerful Champion for Justice

September 18, 2020
The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a deep, painful, immense loss for the nation. Her contributions were greater than words can express and her legacy is a country that is more fair, more just, and more healthy for women, people of color, and others whose rights have long been denied. Justice...
MomsRising's picture

18 Washington Caregivers Who are Changing Our World

September 15, 2020
To mother is to transform. Each and every day moms are shaping a more just future for us all through small and big acts alike -- whether it’s helping a tantruming toddler understand their feelings or advocating for their community with elected leaders, moms have superpowers that move us all forward...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

18 mamás de Washington que están cambiando nuestro mundo

September 15, 2020
Ser madre significa transformar. Todos los días las mamás crean un futuro más justo para todos nosotros a través de pequeñas y grandes acciones por igual –ya sea ayudando a un infante que está en medio de una pataleta a comprender sus sentimientos o abogando por su comunidad ante sus líderes...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

Use Your Parent Voice: Join Early Edge CA's Parent Advisory Committee

September 2, 2020
Being a mother and a full-time educator is no easy task on a typical day. Adding a global pandemic in the mix definitely takes a toll on trying to figure out how to juggle multiple facets of our lives. As parents navigating COVID-19, we have a constant pressure of being 100% present at work (if we...
Marysol Perez's picture

Books for Raising Voters, Advocates, Activists, Future Presidents

August 20, 2020
As parents we know it can be hard to find creative and age appropriate ways to discuss social justice and all the uncertainty in the world with our children. Finding quality material to engage your kids in social activism, voting and other social justice issues can be overwhelming, and daunting...
Amber Dorsey's picture

Awareness as a Super Power to Manage Life's Fires

August 20, 2020
Practicing “pressure awareness” is a game changer in how we lead and show up for our children, spouses, and others. I’ve been a lifelong student of pressure and my teachers have been my animals. Dogs and horses are always sensing and adjusting to pressure in themselves, their groups, and their...
Beth Anstandig's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic of a USPS mailbox with the text Vote to Save the USPS.]

Quick signature to demand that Senate Republicans save the USPS!

August 19, 2020
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is under attack—and with it, our democracy, access to prescription medicine, and other essential mail during a pandemic. In fact, the failure of U.S. Senate Republicans to fund the USPS is threatening vote-by-mail programs and also is threatening the delivery...
Gloria Pan's picture

Calling All Digital Influencers!

August 6, 2020
Can you believe it’s already August? What a year it has been. We have been in touch with some of our digital influencers via our Risers & Shakers group on Facebook but, we are really hoping that everyone is doing as well as can be expected, given the fact that we are in the middle of a once-in-...
Sili Recio's picture
