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photo of a woman illuminated by sparklers

Hey Risers, You're Just GLOWING with MOMentum

November 30, 2021
‘Tis the season for gratitude and MOMentum! In November, fired up by your relentless energy, generosity and kindness, the MomsRising community celebrated, observed, witnessed and asked, what's in your heart? Keep reading to learn more.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Heart transitioning from blue to red with the letters MR at the bottom for Momsrising

It’s Giving Tuesday!

November 30, 2021
Will you support this movement for moms and families with a gift right now? All gifts are matched today!
MomsRising's picture
Dos mujeres con camisas que dicén "Mamas Con Poder"


November 29, 2021
En este día de Acción de Gracias, queremos expresar gratitud a nuestra comunidad de #Poderosas, y a ti que eres parte de ella, por la oportunidad que tenemos de trabajar juntas en este movimiento. Gracias por tu apoyo constante y ser la fuerza motivadora de nuestro trabajo. Cada una de tus llamadas...
MomsRising's picture
Breaking Through with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner

Brand New Breaking Through Episode: MOMentum! Build Back Better on the move!

November 29, 2021
Change is in motion! Hear about the new book, The Privatization of Everything, plus the latest on the Build Back Better Act and the Pump Act.
Jacqueline Jackson's picture
Black and white hands holding a red heart

You Are On Our Mind

November 26, 2021
The word “thankful” isn’t big enough, bold enough, or broad enough to describe how I feel about the opportunity to work in this movement with you -- or the gratitude I feel for the way you’ve changed the nation for the better over the past couple of years... even though we’ve been in a pandemic when you’ve been busier and more stressed than ever.
MomsRising's picture
We Are MomsRising
stock photo of a woman holding a sparkling heart

10 Stories From 10 Hearts - We Are MomsRising

November 26, 2021
Earlier this month, we asked the MomsRising community, how is your heart today? Hundreds of members responded, sharing their hopes, worries, angers and joys. In every submission, we can see that love and caring for others unites us, sustains us, and helps us keep rising for a brighter future.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
People marching with signs along Washington DC street and trees with changing leaves around them.

Es hora de cumplir: Build Back Better Now

November 18, 2021
El martes, nos unimos a la marcha con Service Employees International Union (SEIU), trabajadores de cuidados y defensores que intensificaron su demanda para que el Congreso apruebe Build Back Better esta semana. El trabajo de cuidados abarca todas las etapas de la vida, desde el cuidado de los...
MomsRising's picture

Honra la historia indígena mientras olvidamos el pasado colonial de Estados Unidos

November 18, 2021
“En el momento de las invasiones europeas, los pueblos indígenas habían ocupado y dado forma a todas las partes de las Américas, establecido extensas redes comerciales y carreteras, y estaban sustentando a sus poblaciones adaptándose a entornos naturales específicos, pero también adaptaban la...
Jacqueline Jackson's picture

Our Growing List of Books that Honor Native American Food, Culture, and History

November 18, 2021
From the Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen to the Fire Keepers' Daughter, here are 7 amazing works that honor indigenous people and history.
Jacqueline Jackson's picture

Estimado Congreso: ¿Necesitas más razones para construir una infraestructura de atención AHORA? Lee esto.

November 18, 2021
En nuestro Libro de Historias de la Economía del Cuidado 2021 , hemos capturado historias poderosas y conmovedoras de familias de todo el país que ilustran cómo nuestra Infraestructura de cuidado inadecuada perjudica a las familias, las empresas y nuestra economía. La construcción de una...
MomsRising's picture
