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Families & The Federal Budget

Spook Congress for America's Families!

October 28, 2010
That bone chilling, pit of fear in your stomach feeling. Could it be Halloween? Or possibly, could it be the very scary job market? Currently more than one in six working age adults - or 26.8 million people - are either unemployed or underemployed. And it's tough to find a job when there’s only one...
Donna's picture

An inexcusable delay

April 9, 2010
Whenever I go on vacation, I always leave some task undone--like emptying the garbage can, or putting my mail on hold. But failing to extend millions of people's unemployment insurance benefits? Never, even in my most hurried state, would I go on vacation and neglect to do that. It's simply...
Donna's picture

The Crisis of American Families & the Bias Against Mothers

May 13, 2009
Shocking but true: There is a tragic lack of support for American families and a deep bias against mothers. A full quarter of U.S. families with children less than six years old live in poverty. Nine million children are without healthcare coverage and many more are under-insured. Fourteen million...
MomsRising's picture

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

April 16, 2009
Click here to read the whole post from Your (Wo)man in Washington. Written by MOTHERS Guest Blogger, Kelly Coyle DiNorcia
Valerie Young's picture

Paid Sick Days in Connecticut

September 9, 2008
We're making great progress in the fight for paid sick days in Connecticut. Join our efforts today to ensure paid sick days for all becomes a reality in Connecticut. Why bring paid sick days to Connecticut? • Roughly 44% of working people in Connecticut don't get a single paid sick day all year...
Katie Bethell's picture

Taking Action, Making Changes

March 10, 2007
In the last year since starting, the MomsRising membership has gone from 0 to over 120,000 people--and is growing weekly by 500 to 4,000 members lately. This membership growth is mainly due to friends telling friends about MomsRising—i.e. you. Working together, we are truly building a powerful...
Kristin's picture
