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Childcare & Early Education

What NH moms need in the state budget!

May 10, 2023
It’s go time in the New Hampshire legislature! Thanks to all your advocacy, we’ve seen some huge wins so far this year – and we need your help again! Let’s keep that MOMentum going as the Senate Finance committee works on the state budget. → Send a quick email to the Senate Finance committee asking...
MacKenzie Nicholson's picture

Sign On to Help Grow Dual Language Programs in your community!

April 29, 2023
Did you know that approximately 50% of the world's population speaks more than one language, while only about 20% of U.S. residents possess this skill? [1] These numbers are shocking. Growing up as a dual language learner, I can attest that being bilingual has opened up unique personal and...
linda's picture

FIRMA RÁPIDA: ¡Pide aumentar los programas bilingües en tu comunidad!

April 29, 2023
¿Sabías que aproximadamente el 50% de la población mundial habla más de un idioma, mientras que solo alrededor del 20% de los residentes de EE.UU. poseen esta habilidad? [1] Estos números son impactantes. Como alguien bilingüe, puedo dar fe de que hablar dos idiomas me han abierto muchas...
linda's picture

Tell Congress: Working families need child care!

April 27, 2023
Raising kids is no joke. Working is no joke. Keeping a roof over your head, and trying your hardest to create the best life for yourself and your family is certainly not a joke. But what is a joke is knowing the solutions that help families thrive, but doing nothing. So far, no real significant,...
Nadia's picture

Thank Biden for his Executive Order to improve care!

April 19, 2023
Need a change from the drip drip of bad news coming out of DC? Drum roll please... We are excited to share some fantastic, spectacular, very good news with you! Yesterday, in response to your continuing calls to strengthen the nation’s care infrastructure, President Biden announced the most...
Donna's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 14, 2023
QUICK SIGNATURE: Important Update on How You Can Protect Medication Abortion! Access to mifepristone, a safe and effective abortion drug that has been used by more than five million people since the FDA approved it more than 20 years ago is still in terrible danger. Last night, the U.S. Court of...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
The Top 10 Policies Every Leader Should Support

We don’t co-parent with haters.

March 30, 2023
So that horrible, very bad, awful, terrible bill that provides a legislative framework for advancing book bans, censorship, and hate that we shared with you last week? IT PASSED THE REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED U.S. HOUSE!!! UUGGGHHHH! But hope isn’t lost. Now the bill is moving onto the U.S. Senate,...
MomsRising's picture

QUICK ACTION: The WA State Senate just released it's budget, now we have to act!

March 24, 2023
Spring is around the corner and it's the best time to turn over a new leaf. The Washington State Senate just released their proposed operating budget and right now is the time lawmakers need to hear from families about what investments we need to thrive.[1] Click here to send your Senator a quick...
Mandy Kwan's picture

The Top 10 Policies Every Leader Should Support In 2023

March 23, 2023
We've updated our vision for 2024! See the newest version here. Moms For Freedom Agenda: A Vision to Lift Our Nation We value our freedoms. The freedom to be there for our children and families when we’re needed most, to choose what’s best for our families, to send our kids to schools where every...
MomsRising's picture

New Yorkers: Tell Lawmakers we need $5B for child care

March 13, 2023
We need some MOMentum across New York State to remind lawmakers in Albany that NY families need BIG investments in child care so that working parents can work and child care providers can earn family sustaining wages. Last year, we asked Gov. Hochul to invest $5 Billion (yes, with a B!) in child...
Diana Limongi's picture
