As Vice President of MomsRising and its Spanish-language arm, MamásConPoder, Xochitl Oseguera directs one of the nation’s most successful programs to educate and mobilize Latina moms, both online and on-the-ground. Oseguera spearheads all of MomsRising’s Spanish-language initiatives, managing and overseeing a team of staff and organizers who help shape public policy and register members of the Latinx community to vote. A leading national strategist and spokesperson on a range of vitally important issues, including economic justice, women’s and children’s health, immigration, criminal justice reform, gun safety, and others, Oseguera is frequently covered by top Spanish- and English-language media outlets and called on to confer with state and federal lawmakers. MomsRising is a million-member grassroots organization working to improve family economic security, stop discrimination against women and moms, and build a nation where businesses and families can thrive. Oseguera has more than 25 years experience working , reaching out to and educating Latinx people in the USA. She lives in California.
Blog Post List
September 25, 2018
Esta hoja informativa contiene preguntas y respuestas sobre “carga pública”, no es asesoramiento legal. Para determinar lo que es más apropiado para tu situación personal, contacta a un abogado. En Septiembre 22, 2018 la administración Trump ha propuesto nuevas reglas que obligarían a las familias inmigrantes a escoger entre satisfacer sus necesidades básicas (como alimentación y atención médica) o estar con sus seres queridos en EE.UU. Si estas reglas son aprobadas, pueden evitar que los solicitantes, o sus familiares, legalicen su estatus migratorio si usan –o solicitan– servicios públicos...
September 24, 2018
Please see our UPDATED FAQ on public charge, published here: *** On September 22, 2018, the Trump Administration posted a proposed new rule changing the definition of who may be considered a “public charge” in the U.S. Earlier this year, the Trump Administration already made some changes regarding how public charge is interpreted abroad. If the rule is finalized in its proposed form, this would mark a significant and harmful departure from the current policy. For over a hundred years, the government has recognized...
September 19, 2018
Every child deserves to be tucked into a safe bed to sleep. But for-profit prison and detention corporations are profiting off taking parents away from children and putting families behind bars. It’s time for Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to stop financing Geo Group and and CoreCivic, two of the largest for-profit prison and detention corporations. Whether you're paying to incarcerate families, or to lock parents away from their families, this is not who we strive to be as a nation. There can be no business in abuse. *Sign on here to let us know you’re interested in dropping off a letter,...
August 13, 2018
Importante: Este artículo contiene preguntas y respuestas sobre “carga pública”, no es asesoramiento legal. Para determinar lo que es más apropiado para tu situación personal, contacta a un abogado. La administración Trump ha propuesto nuevas reglas que obligarían a las familias inmigrantes a escoger entre satisfacer sus necesidades básicas (como alimentación y atención médica) o estar con sus seres queridos en EE.UU. Si estas reglas son aprobadas, pueden evitar que los solicitantes, o sus familiares, legalicen su estatus migratorio si usan –o solicitan– servicios públicos de salud o...
August 13, 2018
DISCLAIMER: This FAQ has legal information, not legal advice. To know what’s best for your particular situation, contact a lawyer. The Trump Administration has proposed new rules that would force immigrant families to choose between meeting basic needs, like food and health care, or being together in the U.S. with people they love. If approved, applicants or their family members could be denied immigration status if they use – or even apply for – public health care or nutrition programs. This reckless proposal would change current U.S. immigration “public charge” policy. Dangerous...
June 16, 2018
Estamos viviendo un momento de crisis y de indignación nacional por el trato que la administración de Trump está dando a las familias inmigrantes en la frontera. En este momento, muchas comunidades estamos protestando en contra de las acciones crueles e inhumanas para las familias que están buscando refugio en nuestro país. ¡Y en este mismo momento, no importa donde estés, hay acciones que TÚ puedes tomar y que podrán hacer una diferencia! En una lista te tenemos las acciones que puedes tomar para hacer una diferencia. ¡Por favor, comparte este artículo! ¿Quiénes son las familias que están...
June 14, 2018
We are in a moment of crisis and national outrage over the treatment of families separated at our border by order of the Trump Administration. At this very moment, communities are coming together to speak out against the cruel and inhumane actions against families seeking refuge. And at this very moment, no matter where you are, there are actions YOU can take that will help! We’ve listed below the top actions you can take immediately to make a difference. Please share this post widely! Who are the families coming to the U.S. borders? So many of these are families seeking asylum for the safety...
February 21, 2018
¡Ningún civil debe tener acceso a armas de asalto y cargadores de alta capacidad! Un antiguo alumno de la Preparatoria Marjory Stoneman Douglas, de 19 años, llegó armado a la escuela ayer en la tarde y mató a tiros a 17 personas, hiriendo a 14 personas más, cinco de las cuales se encuentran en estado crítico. ¿El arma que usó? Un rifle AR-15. ¡Ningún civil debe tener acceso a rifles de asalto tipo militar o a municiones de alta capacidad! Dile al Congreso: Protejan a nuestras familias y a nuestras comunidades. ¡Prohíban la venta de armas de asalto tipo militar y de municiones de alta...
January 26, 2018
We condemn President Trump's destructive racism and call on Congress to stand with immigrant communities and with the integrity of our nation. Not only is Donald Trump’s racism dangerously harmful but it also puts lives at risk because he’s putting his racism into policy that fractures families and hatefully targets entire communities. Donald Trump is hurting America. The words at the base of our Statue of Liberty welcomes the “tempest-tossed” to our shores, and the idea of the American Dream is a beacon of hope for many of us. The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program embodies that spirit...
January 12, 2018
Necesitamos la mayor cantidad de atención posible a un asunto que está ocurriendo en Washington, D.C. y que está recibiendo muy poca cobertura en los noticieros, y necesitamos tu ayuda ahora mismo para correr la voz. La administración Trump está quitándole el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en inglés) a miles de familias y está preparándose para enviar a los beneficiarios del TPS de vuelta a situaciones muy peligrosas, ya sea la guerra en Sudán o la devastación que dejaron los huracanes en Haití. Hay muchas vidas están en peligro. Las palabras que aparecen en la base de la...
January 8, 2018
Lives are being put in danger. Today, Monday January 8, 2018, President Trump’s administration, through the U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS), terminated the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) of more than 200,000 Salvadorans. This puts children, moms, dads, families, and people directly in harm’s way. [1] TPS recipients will lose job permits, the ability to attend schools, driver’s licenses, and the protections they applied for and were given by law. This doesn’t just impact TPS recipients: Many TPS recipients live in “mixed status” families and are parents of more than 192,000 U.S...
January 8, 2018
El 8 de enero de 2018, la administración del presidente Trump, a través del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés), eliminó el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en inglés) de más de 200,000 salvadoreños. Esto coloca a niños, mamás, papás, familias y a otras personas en una situación peligrosa. [1] Los beneficiarios del TPS perderán sus permisos de trabajo, la capacidad de asistir a la escuela, sus licencias de conducir y las protecciones para las que aplicaron y que les fueron concedidas bajo la ley. Esto no solo afecta a los beneficiarios del TPS...
Take action!
August 7, 2017
Meet Priscilla, a Texas teacher whose resilience and determination defines life in America for thousands of Dreamers. Please, watch her story: Congress has the power to protect DREAMers with the Dream Act—the time to act is now. Sign on to support DREAMers like Priscilla:
Take action!
August 7, 2017
With the bipartisan DREAMream Act, Congress has the power—and opportunity—to stand with thousands of DREAMreamers like Priscilla. Watch Priscilla explain Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA: And then please join us to ask Congress to stand up for the DREAM ACT !
Take action!
August 7, 2017
"To us, the way we grew up, we don't feel like outsiders. We were here since we were children." Hear more from Priscilla: Stand with young adults who have been here since they were children by protecting the path to citizenship for DREAMers! DREAMers are young adults who were brought to America as children and raised in this country, knowing no other home. As U.S. Senator Schumer stated, DREAMers are “ Americans in every way but paperwork.” Priscilla, a MomsRising member, is a DREAMer. She came to the U.S. when she was just 6 years old. She not only overcame adversity but also rose to the...
Take action!
July 20, 2017
The wall. The wall. It’s all we heard about from candidate Trump… and now from President Trump. In fact, now that he’s president, he’s putting his ineffective and xenophobic rhetoric into action by proposing $1.6 billion ($1.6 billion!) for his ridiculous wall on the Southern border - all while proposing enormous cuts to programs that boost our families’ health, nutrition, education, and well-being . This hurts our families, communities, and economy. We need YOU to stand up and say #BoostFamiliesNotFear! Sign our letter to Congress today! Here’s the lowdown: President Trump released his...
Take action!
June 9, 2017
"I always cry when my mom is late for pick up. She might not pick me up one day, did you know? " -- Gabi, age 7 (as told by immigration attorney Carolina Rubio MacWright). Too many California kids are living with this fear every day. In fact, more than half of California children have at least one immigrant parent . President Trump’s threat to deport three million people targets the most vulnerable members of our communities, our kids. On Tuesday, June 13 , the California Assembly Public Safety Committee will vote on SB 54, California Values Act, to protect California’s immigrants and we need...
March 22, 2017
Joana tenía solo un año y medio de edad y seguía lactando, cuando los agentes de ICE la separaron de su madre al cruzar la frontera. La madre de Joana estaba migrando en busca de seguridad. La criatura finalmente se reunió con su madre, después de tres largos y difíciles meses de separación . ¡Es algo Indignante! Trump acaba de proponer que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional implemente una regulaci ó n que separará intencionalmente a niños y madres que buscan asilo en nuestra frontera . Vamos a dejar algo muy claro: Muchas de las madres e hijos que buscan seguridad al cruzar nuestra...
Take Action!
March 17, 2017
Joana, at only one and a half years old, was still nursing when ICE agents separated her from her mother after they crossed the border seeking safety. The toddler was finally reunited with her mother after three devastatingly long months of separation. Outrageous! Trump has just proposed that the Department of Homeland Security enact a policy of purposefully separating children and mothers who are seeking asylum at our southern border . Let’s get one thing straight here: Many of the mothers and children seeking safety at our southern border are fleeing what has become known as the Northern...
January 3, 2017
Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 7.01.44 PM.png Evento publicado en vivo el día 14 de diciembre de 2016 con nuestras anfitrionas, Mariaelena Hincapié, Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Nacional de Leyes de Inmigración e Ignacia Rodriguez, Defensora Política del Centro Nacional de Leyes de Inmigración. Transcripción: MariaElena Hincapié: Gracias a todos por acompañarnos, esta es nuestra primera grabación a través de Facebook Live y nos complace trabajar con nuestros aliados MomsRising/MamásConPoder y Voto Latino. Para quienes no conocen el NILC, somos una organización que visualiza una sociedad en la...