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By Lisa Codispoti , Senior Counsel, National Women's Law Center There is a lot of Wednesday morning quarterbacking about the reasons for, and impact of, yesterday’s election in Massachusetts. As it relates to health reform, I think that more than a few people are getting it wrong. Regarding those...
Thao Nguyen's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Today we are mothers; tomorrow we will be older women. It's inevitable. My colleague, Ashley Carson, fights the good fight against economic discrimination against mothers and other...
Valerie Young's picture
Contact your Senators by calling 1-800-998-0180, and tell them "NO on the Fast Track Commission!" Next week, the Senate will vote on this special Fast-Track Commission, which some in Washington say is needed to fix our budget deficit. Don't believe it. They really want to cut Social Security. STOP...
Braving the snow to vote in Massachusetts? Tell us about it!
My daughter came home from kindergarten reciting “I Have A Dream” so we decided to watch the YouTube. Her 8-year old brother Max furrowed his brow as MLK talked about the day to day ugliness of racism. “What kind of people could be like that?” Max wanted to know. We’ve talked about the horrors of...
Sharon Meers's picture
by Lisa Codispoti , Senior Counsel, National Women's Law Center As we’ve discussed here many times before, gender rating is the harmful and discriminatory insurance practice of charging individuals and employers different premiums based on gender. For individuals buying coverage directly from...
Thao Nguyen's picture
Our hearts go out to the women, children, and all people of Haiti who are suffering in the wake of the recent earthquake. Many of our members are asking how they can help out. We've been told that cash donations to humanitarian organizations that are working in Haiti are the most efficient and...
Kristin's picture
This week is the one year anniversary of the PCA outbreak when Salmonella - contaminated peanut products caused a major, multi-state foodborne-illness outbreak -- an outbreak that occurred as a result of outdated and ineffective regulation and oversight by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
cross-posted to The Huffington Post’s Move Your Money Campaign is urging people to leave Citibank, BofA, and the like. Why? Because, the BIG Banks got BIG TARP money from the government and are about to pay out BIG bonuses. With squat for the little people—too many of whom are out...
Amy Cross's picture
by Lisa Codispoti , Senior Counsel, National Women's Law Center We are closer to adopting health reform than ever before in history. Now that the Senate passed their health reform legislation, the next step on the road to reform is for Senate and House leaders to work out differences between their...
Thao Nguyen's picture
