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This is what I remember about the Lunar New Year as a child: I got to stay up late to go to temple, people gave me money in red envelopes for no other reason than I was a kid, and a week of endless buffets with relatives. As an adult, this holiday has taken on a new meaning. Now, I can barely keep...
Thao Nguyen's picture
When one thinks of Lunar New Years, words that come to mind include: prosperity, health, good fortune, and longevity. Growing up in a Vietnamese household, Lunar New Years was always about festivals, lion dances, special foods, beautiful flowers, wearing traditional clothes, cleaning the house,...
My 4-year-old, Soluna, prides herself in being a good chant leader. This is true. She is loud. She commands attention. She rarely mixes up the words. And since the Occupy Movement began last fall, she’s had plenty of time to get better at it! Just this past Saturday, Soluna was chanting “You’re no...
January 23 marks the Lunar New Year, a time for many Asian communities to gather in celebration. Some may don new clothes and exchange gifts or red envelopes, while others may light firecrackers, throw water and participate in lion dances and parades. Whatever the variation in Lunar New Year...
Gloria Pan's picture
As a first generation Chinese-American, my parents celebrated all the major Chinese holidays. Out of all of them I had always loved Chinese New Year the best. It lasted the longest (15 days), and we always ate delicious food. During my childhood I noticed the preparations my parents made to...
Photo by Emily Welsch. "My grandmother was a domestic worker," said actor Harold Perrineau ( Lost ), co-host of the #BeTheHelp Children's Art Party presented by the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) in Los Angeles this Saturday. "Today, we love the nanny who works with our family. We're...
Danielle Feris's picture
Over the holidays, I was obsessed over which traditions and family memories I wanted to share with my little boy - the food, decorations, and rituals. Now, I am starting the same thought process for the Lunar New Year (or Chinese New Photo by Nicholas Chan / NCDN Year as it we called when I was...
Happy New Year everyone! I am a mother to a 3-year old girl and 1-year old boy. I am a Japanese-American and my husband is Caucasian. Together, we are working hard to help our half-Japanese children become bilingual and bicultural. Sometimes it is very challenging, but today I wanted to celebrate...
In my Japanese American family, coming together to celebrate holidays or special events means food, lots of food. For holidays like Thanksgiving, most of the dishes reflect traditional American sensibilities, up to a point. We decided to lighten up our Thanksgiving carb menu this year by...
Amy Chua ousted the timid Rabbit and made 2011 the Year of the Tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , a memoir about how she raised fabulously successful children through strict parenting, became a global phenomenon. Parents everywhere fiercely debated the pros and cons of Chua’s...
Gloria Pan's picture
