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MomsRising Newsroom

January 12, 2024
Statement “After suffering a devastating miscarriage, Brittany Watts has been mistreated and abused by a system anti-abortion leaders designed intentionally to inflict pain and punishment on women. Thankfully for Watts, that ended yesterday evening when a grand jury refused to indict her on the ridiculous charge of abuse of a corpse in the wake of the miscarriage she suffered.
January 11, 2024
Statement “EpiPens save lives when anaphylaxis, which can be deadly if not treated quickly, occurs, but the cost is still prohibitive for many moms and families and that puts lives at unnecessary risk. In order to be safe, since anaphylaxis can occur in 15 minutes to one hour of exposure, multiple EpiPens are often needed by people who have anaphylactic allergies as schools regularly require them and EpiPens are also needed at home as well as with the people who have the allergy when they are out of the home.
December 15, 2023
Statement “Congress caused real and unnecessary harm to our country’s military families by including Section 589 in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Despite its misleading name, this language would limit the rights of parents while imposing burdensome, unnecessary requirements on schools operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Section 589 would damage parent/teacher relationships and make our schools less safe and effective while doing nothing to boost education outcomes.
December 13, 2023
Statement “The continued availability of mifepristone, which has been used safely and effectively in the United States for more than 23 years and is the only option many of us have left for abortion, is essential to the health and wellbeing of millions of moms and families. America’s moms are counting on the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the outrageous lower court rulings and secure our access to mifepristone.
December 5, 2023
Statement “No consequences. The police officer who placed Elijah McClain – who committed no crime and carried no weapon or illegal substances – into a chokehold that led to a series of events that caused his death has been reinstated by the Aurora Colorado police department. Nathan Woodyard will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in back pay.
December 1, 2023
Statement “Today begins a welcome new chapter for North Carolina families, who will be healthier and stronger now that lawmakers in the state have finally expanded Medicaid. The state’s moms applaud the fact that 600,000 North Carolinians who have been stuck in the state’s coverage gap, some for most of their adult lives, will finally have access to health coverage and care.
December 1, 2023
Media advisory This Sunday at 2 PM, MomsRising will host a Parent Power Celebration at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh. The event will celebrate graduates of the MomsRising Fellowship Program, which empowers parents in Allegheny County to fight for the public polices their families need, including affordable child care, paid family and medical leave, and more. The celebration will also mark the launch of MomsRising’s new parent leadership training toolkit, which will supercharge more than 1,000 parent leaders statewide.
November 30, 2023
Statement "Year after year, Native Women’s Equal Pay Day serves as a painful reminder that the wage discrimination Native Women face is an extreme, persistent and incredibly damaging reminder of the legacy of the horrific colonialism Native peoples have endured. Right now in the United States, Native women overall are paid just 55 cents for each dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. Native women working full-time, year-round are paid just 59 cents on the dollar, and women in some tribes are paid even less, with many earning less than half what white, non-Hispanic men are paid.
November 15, 2023
Statement “While we are glad that Congress was able to reach a bipartisan agreement to keep the U.S. government open and temporarily funded, lawmakers neglected to address some key funding shortfalls affecting millions of families with young children. There are two urgent crises facing the country’s moms and young families, with grave ramifications for businesses and our economy, and Congress missed an opportunity to address both in its Continuing Resolution.
November 10, 2023
Statement “Hungry babies. New moms without breastfeeding support and without the assistance they need to afford formula. Toddlers going without fresh, nutritious produce because their families can’t afford it. All that will be commonplace if Congress doesn’t provide emergency funds for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) in the government funding package it must pass in the next week to avert a painful, unnecessary government shutdown.
