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Why I Like Paul Ryan, But Not His Budget

March 20, 2013
Years ago, I attended an event on economic policy where now-Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), was speaking. After the event, I introduced myself to him and shared that I was a former Hill staffer. I told him that, while I disagreed with nearly everything he...
Randi Schmidt's picture

Time for a New Budget Tune

March 19, 2013
The current proposed Ryan budget is another verse in a fiscal opera that brutally attacks social safety net programs, earned benefits and needed investments in a range of programs from education, health care, road, bridges, energy and science research and much more. The one category of spending...
Kathy Robinson's picture

UPDATED - Save #VAWA! Pass the Violence Against Women Act: A HERVotes Blog Carnival

February 28, 2013
" UPDATE (2/28/2013): VICTORY! The House of Representatives decided to stand with students, Native Americans, immigrants, and the LGBT community and passed the Senate inclusive #VAWA in a vote 286-138!" via Feminist Majority Foundation. At last the House will vote on the Violence Against Women Act...
Kristin's picture

Immunizing our Viejitos for Democracy!

February 6, 2013
While traditional political campaigns were out knocking on doors this autumn to get out the vote, health care providers in one of America’s poorest (and most remote rural, Hispanic, Native American) counties tried a novel approach to civic participation: we vaccinated thousands of our elders for...
Lauren Reichelt's picture

No Teachers With Guns, No Police in Schools

January 12, 2013
On December 30, 2012, President Obama said he doubted arming school police with guns will prevent future school shootings , but then January 11, 2013's EdWeek hints that he may yield to local law enforcement officers and communities if it has "bipartisan" support. While President Barack Obama said...
Cynthia Liu's picture

We Can Avoid the "Fiscal Cliff" Without Turning Our Backs on Our Most Vulnerable

December 4, 2012
Like most voters, Latinos cited jobs and the economy as their greatest concern in the days leading up to the election . The pressing importance of these issues led to an historic turnout of Hispanic voters in the 2012 election and overwhelming support for President Obama’s reelection. In the post-...
Janet Murguia's picture

Girls Rule.

November 15, 2012
Ladies, we are having a very good year. This election, a record number of women—binders and binders full of them—ran for office, and…best of all… won . In the new Congress, we will have 20 female Senators, up from 17. We will have the first openly gay senator, Tammy Baldwin, in Wisconsin. We will...
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Federal Cuts to Education? We Say Kids, Not Cuts

November 15, 2012
My home state is California, and we just successfully survived our own state version of the "fiscal cliff" when it comes to education. Here, they were called the "trigger cuts." If Proposition 30 -- essentially part of the June 30, 2012 budget passed by the legislature that needed the people's...
Cynthia Liu's picture

Post-Election 2012– Teaching Kids How to Respectfully Disagree

November 7, 2012
This morning, amidst the windy chill before the season’s first snow, the children standing in line at our neighborhood bus stop kept warm as they kicked around one topic of banter among them: politics. It started when one very vocal boy said “I’m so mad Romney lost. I hate Obama.” Then a girl...
Homa Tavangar's picture

What was that about pools and polls?

November 6, 2012
"Voting makes a better world!" - Anna, age 13. "Parents vote so that their children can have good leaders, and a good president, and better laws." - Adasa, age 10. "It's important for parents to vote because it's our future." - Connor, age 16. "If people didn't vote, there would be no president...
Kristin's picture
