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My fast will last past the We Belong Together delegation in DC

April 8, 2014
I am originally from Mexico and studied electronic engineering there until I moved to Grand Rapids in 1991. My family has been living and working there since 1945 when the United States was doing all they could to get workers from Mexico to come to this country to work during the war effort. My...

I fasted for comprehensive immigration reform that helps families thrive

April 8, 2014
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...

What I think about when I fast every Wednesday for Lent

April 8, 2014
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...

After fasting, I felt triumphant!

April 8, 2014
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...

The Most Difficult Part of the Fast...

April 8, 2014
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...
Cecelia Friedman Levin's picture

Estoy ayunando por familias como la mía

April 8, 2014
Nota de la editora: Más de 1.200 mujeres de 70 organizaciones están ayunando en 35 estados por la reforma migratoria que mantenga a las familias juntas y que trate a las mujeres con justicia y dignidad. 100 mujeres se unieron en el capitolio de Washington desde el 7 de abril hasta el 9 de abril...

Estoy participando en el ayuno por nuestras familias

April 8, 2014
Nota de la editora: Más de 1.200 mujeres de 70 organizaciones están ayunando en 35 estados por la reforma migratoria que mantenga a las familias juntas y que trate a las mujeres con justicia y dignidad. 100 mujeres se unieron en el capitolio de Washington desde el 7 de abril hasta el 9 de abril...

Immigrant Women Need Immigration Reform NOW: My Mother’s Story

April 8, 2014
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...

Hungry for Action and Reform

April 8, 2014
Editor’s Note: More than 1,200 women from 70 organizations are fasting in 35 states for immigration reform that keeps families together and treats women fairly this month. The month of fasting will culminate April 7-9th, 2014 when 100 women will fast in DC for 48 hours. Click here to sign the...

Le Exigo Al Presidente Que Cumpla Sus Promesas

April 4, 2014
Soy Ines Lazarte. Soy miembra de la Colectiva de Mujeres desde hace más de 14 años y trabajo en limpieza de casas y también como “care giver” o en el cuidado de personas mayores. Mañana estamos entrando en huelga de hambre por una causa justa que es LA REFORMA MIGRATORIA. Exigimos al presidente...
