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¡Ya Basta De Ataques a Nuestras Familias Inmigrantes!

March 5, 2015
¿Latinos, que nos pasa? Los Republicanos en el Congreso #114 atacan a nuestras familias, amigos, vecinos, y/o conocidos inmigrantes sin escrúpulos con iniciativas de deportación masivas para DREAMERS y todo inmigrante, con una fuerte oposición para NO implementar una reforma migratoria integral,...
Fabiola Aguilar's picture

¿Qué Pueden Hacer Los Indocumentados Para Obtener Una Reforma Migratoria?

March 2, 2015
CLEVELAND- En junio de 2013 formé junto a varias personas de todas partes del país, un grupo llamado TNTweeters . Un grupo orgánico, que nació para organizarse en las redes sociales para enviar mensajes diarios a los congresistas pidiendo pusieran a votación el proyecto bipartidista del Senado, la...
Claudia Longo's picture

La Importancia de Hacerse Ciudadanos Americanos

February 24, 2015
Cuando decimos que apoyamos una reforma migratoria, ¿ qué estamos dispuestos a hacer para conseguirla? El sistema migratorio de los Estados Unidos no funciona acorde a los tiempos que corren y nos afecta, sobre todo a la comunidad latina, directa o indirectamente. Ya sea que queremos una reforma...
Claudia Longo's picture

New Country, New Home

January 15, 2015
Blistering heat assaulted my face and dried out my mouth instantly as we left the airport terminal. My mother ushered me into a taxi. The air in the backseat was hot and gritty, it pinched the back of my legs and crunched between my teeth. From my window I could see a silhouette of a lone mountain...
Clarissa T's picture

Celebrating a Step Forward for Children in Immigrant Families

December 12, 2014
Today marks the 4th year that children from around the country have come to the nation’s capital as part of We Belong Together’s 2014 Wish for the Holidays Campaign to deliver letters written by thousands of children calling for the reform of immigration policies to keep families together. Last night, we celebrated four years of amazing letters and drawings at a reception and exhibit at the National Education Association.
Wendy Cervantes's picture

President Obama Acts to Right Wrongs That Affront Our Ideals

November 24, 2014
I was at a rally in front of the White House on Friday organized by Casa de Maryland in which we chanted "We've got your back!" As a mom and grandma, I believe it's really important to support the President's actions to give temporary legal status to parents of citizen or legal resident children...
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Children in Detention: Observations from Immigration Court

November 19, 2014
By Amelia Bell On Behalf of the Women’s Refugee Commission In September, I had the opportunity to observe immigration court proceedings for asylum seekers detained in the family detention facility in Artesia, New Mexico.
Jennifer Podkul's picture

Ulises’ American Dream Deferred

October 17, 2014
“As time went on, I saw how my own country, the place where I lived, was actually a bad place. I would see people fight and I thought that would be my life. I thought, that’s me–then I turned 4.”
Alyssa Peterson's picture

Out of the shadows and out of poverty: Reducing poverty through immigration reform

October 8, 2014
Today, there are an estimated 11.3 million undocumented immigrants living in the US. Under current immigration law, these individuals are barred from working legally and, as a result, regularly self-select into jobs that minimize their risk of detection and deportation. Most undocumented workers ultimately find themselves in low-wage jobs where they are susceptible to exploitation and unable to exert their labor rights. It’s a simple fact: our broken immigration system is forcing families to live under precarious financial conditions.
Alyssa Peterson's picture

¡Saludos! Necesitamos su firma para ayudar a los niños de la frontera

October 1, 2014
Son pequeños, tan pequeños como lo son nuestros hijos hoy en día, o lo fueron. Están solos y con miedo. Miles de niños refugiados de Centroamérica están llegando solos a la frontera de Estados Unidos sin nadie que los proteja, muchos huyen de sus casas debido al crimen organizado, pandillas y...
Mary O's picture
