Blog Post List

March 6, 2017
"If you’re going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy; God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won’t." ― Hyman Rickover, Admiral, USN, (1900-1986) Admiral Rickover is considered the father of the Nuclear Navy, a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines and ships he helped create. Rickover is famous for taming the Navy’s bureaucracy; finding ways around, over and under incompetence and status quo-ism. Frankly, our country needs more leaders like Rickover, particularly in the Military Health System (MHS) , and specifically in the healthcare and family support for our Exceptional Family...

September 26, 2016
In mid-July, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) published the first in a three-part series regarding military spouse employment, titled The Force Behind the Force: A Business Case for Leveraging Military Spouse Talent. The purpose of the study was: “to outline some of the positive and potentially business enhancing characteristics of military spouses related to employment, the unique assets they bring to the workplace, and to describe the compelling business case to recruit and ultimately hire them.” Four key takeaways: 1.) Always a hot political topic, the gender wage...

April 25, 2016
No, not that “Force”... the “ Force of the Future” , a hot topic recently within military circles, as Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has advocated a host of changes he hopes will bring the military personnel system into the 21st century. Secretary Carter called upon the Pentagon “ to think outside our five-sided box and try to make ourselves even better at attracting talent from new generations of Americans .” While the primary purpose of the personnel system is to recruit, train, and retain men and women to serve in our nation’s armed forces, there is a critical audience that is being...