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Health Care

Blog Carnival- Connecting Kids to Coverage and Text4Baby: A New Partnership that Clicks!

February 28, 2012
They say that timing is everything. If that’s true, doesn’t it make sense to tell someone about how to sign up for health insurance when she needs it the most? And, when we’re enrolling a family in a health insurance program, shouldn’t we help them understand how to use those benefits to ensure...
Cindy Mann's picture

Building Blocks for Healthy Babies!

February 28, 2012
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that over 11,000 babies are born every day in the US, and the Massachusetts Health Care For All (HCFA) wants to do its part and help these babies grow up healthy. Our goal is to provide some of the building blocks to help as many Massachusetts babies as possible to...
Dayanne Leal's picture

Enrolling more children into health coverage gets them one step closer to better, life-long development

February 28, 2012
Today, America’s children face the prospect of growing up less healthy, having more debilitating and costly chronic health conditions as adults and living shorter lives than their parents. While current health care costs for children are small in relation of those for adults, the future costs for...
Amy Swanson's picture

Making the Online Connection For Children's Health

February 28, 2012
Think about all the things we do online in our personal and professional lives – banking, buying, registering, applying, shopping, shipping, tracking, blogging – all without leaving the same chair. In spite of these advances in efficiency and customer service, we don’t make it efficient or easy for...
Claudia Page's picture

When Change Happens

February 28, 2012
Seven years ago, I found myself in a predicament. I was a 23 year old college student who worked as a cocktail waitress in a cigar lounge. I found out I was pregnant and had to quit my job in order to eliminate secondhand smoke exposure to my unborn child. I had no insurance at the time and didn’t...
Daryn Kirkpatrick's picture

Text4Baby Empowers Moms With Info on the National Breastfeeding Helpline

February 28, 2012
I’m a mother of four and currently I’m pregnant with my fifth child (a baby girl). With each pregnancy I have had many new questions arise concerning my little one growing inside of me. The main question, I had throughout my first pregnancy was are these Braxton Hicks contractions or actual labor...
Canielle Preston's picture

When Birth Control Isn't

February 28, 2012
This piece was written and submitted by Erin Wyner, MD, a family physician and proud member of the National Physicians Alliance . As a physician, I am deeply concerned about the extreme opposition from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to important new rules requiring employers that provide...
Jean Silver-Isenstadt's picture

Wow! Moms really want paid family leave!

February 23, 2012
A few weeks ago, we asked MomsRising members to sign our petition urging Congress to support paid family leave, and the response was huge. Nearly 10,000 people signed the petition so far. We want to keep up the MOMentum and get to 15,000! Click here to sign the petition (And if you’ve already...
Ruth Martin's picture

Rhetoric vs. Reality

February 23, 2012
During one of the recent Republican Presidential debates in Florida, a woman in the audience shared her story and asked a simple question: My name is Lynn Frazier and I live here in Jacksonville. I found myself unemployed for the first time in 10 years and unable to afford health care benefits...
Ashley Boyd's picture

Bishops Step Over the Line

February 23, 2012
Over and over we see the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops confuse the right to exercise their religion with a right to impose their religion on Americans who don’t share it. This is not a subtle difference. And, as Bill Moyers points out in the context of their intransigence on access to birth...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
