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Social & Emotional Development

Getting Over Our Self-Care Shame

June 7, 2022
Self-care gets a bad rap. It's seen as selfish, a sad part of our culture that teaches and models martyrdom. We think of self-care as an occasional luxury -- bubble baths, massages, and spa days—and as a result, moms have bypassed taking care of themselves first. We critique neediness and view at as weakness while we celebrate those who over-give of themselves.
Beth Anstandig's picture

Circling Up and Leaning into Our Mom Herds

May 3, 2022
I took a page out of my own book! The Human Herd: Awakening Our Natural Leadership was released into the wild last month. It was terrifying! Soul crushing anxiety. So, on the eve of the book release, I did what I learned to do staying sober in recovery--and what I've learned from the horses and...
Beth Anstandig's picture

Maternal Mental Health Impacts Communities of Color More Yet Care is Harder to Find

April 14, 2022
Tina Sherman, Senior Campaign Director for Maternal Justice, discussed Black Maternal Mental Health with Lina Acosta Sandaal of Stop Parenting Alone on IG Live. They discussed how women in communities of color are particularly vulnerable maternal health disorders yet encounter more barriers to...
MomsRising's picture

Noticing the Spaces in Between

April 6, 2022
Up until about a year ago, there was very little space for me to "just be" and for me to learn about the inner workings of my heart. I would make space for myself with my animals, writing, recovery, walking, hiking, nature. But I had to squeeze it in. Just when I would scratch the surface of my own...
Beth Anstandig's picture
Why Our Teens Often Do Know Best

Why Our Teens Often Do Know Best

March 4, 2022
We are human animals with instincts and skills inherent to us as mammals including signals, sensations and sensors about well-being and needs. This is our Natural Leadership . As children, our Natural Leadership is fully ignited. Before it was socialized and domesticated out of us, we were much...
Beth Anstandig's picture

Reproductive Justice: Here's What You Need to Know

February 22, 2022
An overview of Reproductive Justice related federal and state policy updates. The Set Up… What seemed to move quickly towards the middle-end of last year, began as a slow burn.
Diarra Diouf's picture

SIGN NOW: Tell Congress to Pass the People’s Response Act!

January 31, 2022
It’s time to reimagine public safety and create crisis responses that are appropriate and equipped to meet the needs of communities. The reality is that our current approach to public safety is not working for children, for families, and particularly for Black and brown communities that have been...
Beatriz Beckford's picture

A Different Kind of New Year--What If We Just Let Ourselves Be?

January 26, 2022
It’s hard to believe we’re almost at the end of January. But maybe that’s a good thing. The pressure we put on ourselves and each other at this time of the year! What a way to -- maybe not -- start things off! It's an arbitrary transition but it is one whether we like it or not. Calendars, holidays, social expectations, parenting all lean on us and ask us to do things like: reflect, change, amend, clean, better ourselves, connect with others, make commitments, break commitments, put the past to rest, fix the past, be more present, do it now, build a future.
Beth Anstandig's picture

Mobilize with MomsRising for National Juvenile Justice Month!

October 4, 2021
Every year the “school-to-prison pipeline,” a disturbing national trend where children are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems, continues to deny too many kids the opportunity to grow, learn, make mistakes, and still reach their full potential.
Beatriz Beckford's picture
