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How You Can Connect with your Member of Congress at a Town Hall

August 17, 2018
Town Halls are one of the most effective and direct ways to engage a member of Congress, as well as a crucial way to garner local media attention in districts that traditionally read local media only. This platform also allows for individuals to motivate other voters to hold incumbent members of...
Khadija Gurnah's picture

Questions to ask about American immigration policies now.

August 16, 2018
Imagine you were in danger right now. Imagine you are in a place far from home. Imagine you have no money, and no friends or family that you can reach. Can it get any worse? Yes. Now imagine that a stranger in a uniform tore your young child from your arms without explanations or reassurances about...
Patricia Mei Yin Chang's picture

We are the leaders we’ve been looking for

August 15, 2018
"We are the leaders we’ve been looking for." ~Grace Lee Boggs All of us. We can do hard things. And we don’t need to wait for anyone to tell us how to do them. Our national rolling hunger strike launched on July 30th in Oakland, CA. This movement is in solidarity with the migrant families separated...
Rae Steward's picture

Proposed Public Charge Regulation Frequently Asked Questions

August 13, 2018
DISCLAIMER: This FAQ has legal information, not legal advice. To know what’s best for your particular situation, contact a lawyer. The Trump Administration has proposed new rules that would force immigrant families to choose between meeting basic needs, like food and health care, or being together...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre las Reglas de “Carga Pública”

August 13, 2018
Importante: Este artículo contiene preguntas y respuestas sobre “carga pública”, no es asesoramiento legal. Para determinar lo que es más apropiado para tu situación personal, contacta a un abogado. La administración Trump ha propuesto nuevas reglas que obligarían a las familias inmigrantes a...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

I Said Yes: Stepping Into Leadership for Justice

August 10, 2018
I've been on vacation with my family in SoCal these past 10 days. We took the kids to Knott's Berry Farm, the beach, the science museum, toured an old warship in Long Beach, visited the aquarium, La Brea Tar Pits, and so much more. A fun, but very full trip. Right before we left town, one of my...
Julia Lam's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: August 10, 2018

August 10, 2018
We know you are busy with summer vacations and in some parts of the country getting kids back to school, so that’s why we provide the top #5Actions for the week for you to review and take action. This week, we need your help in stopping the spread of 3D guns, protecting SNAP, and preventing even...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

Deadline for telling the Commerce Department to junk its Census citizenship question is Tuesday, August 7

August 3, 2018
The Coalition on Human Needs submitted comments today to the Commerce Department voicing our strong opposition to the inclusion of a question about citizenship in the 2020 Census. Such a question would likely increase the undercount of children, especially children of color, those identifying as Hispanic/Latino, and those in low-income households.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

How Trump’s immigration policies are harming children and future generations

July 31, 2018
Since its beginning, the Trump Administration has attacked immigrant communities with a range of misguided proposals and executive orders that undermine civil rights and terrify families. These efforts are having devastating effects—right now and potentially long term—on the health and wellbeing of our nation’s youngest residents. Now, the White House is considering another deeply damaging policy. Draft changes to the “public charge” rule would put immigration status at risk if immigrant families seek access to programs that support health, nutrition, and economic stability. Through The Protecting Immigrant Families, Advancing Our Future campaign, the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) are working with advocates across the country to fight back. Learn more and join us at .
Madison Hardee's picture

5 Maneras de Apoyar los Esfuerzos de Reunificación Familiar

July 31, 2018
La administración Trump ha seguido ejecutando sus inhumanas estrategias de inmigración deportando a 431 padres y separándolos de sus hijos en la frontera mientras solicitaban recursos migratorios como el asilo. Estos niños pueden ser permanentemente separados de sus familias y ahora sabemos que...
Khadija Gurnah's picture
