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Health Care

Vacunas COVID-19 y el regreso a la escuela

August 23, 2021
MomsRising organizó recientemente una conversación con Candice W. Jones, MD FAAP, miembro de la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría, para hablar sobre el COVID-19, las vacunas, las máscaras y el regreso a la escuela. A continuación se muestra un resumen de nuestras preguntas y respuestas: Felicia...
Felicia Burnett's picture

COVID Vaccines and Getting Back-to-School

August 20, 2021
MomsRising recently hosted a conversation with Candice W. Jones, MD FAAP, a fellow at the American Academy of Pediatrics, to talk about COVID-19, vaccines, masks, and getting back to school. Below is a summary of our questions and answers.
Felicia Burnett's picture
Strong Care Square onesie for Care Economy Storybook

Dear Congress: "The system is broken and it needs to be fixed." A Care Economy Storybook

August 19, 2021
It's not enough to go back to where we were. We need to build back better. In our Care Economy Storybook 2021, MomsRising has captured powerful and moving stories from families across the nation about how hard it is to give care, making the case that it doesn't have to be this way.
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Your top #5Actions for this week: Friday, July 23, 2021

July 23, 2021
It continues to be a busy summer, and we want to make sure that Congress and the White House remain focused on the priorities that matter the most to American families, businesses and economy. We have #5Actions for you to take this week on health care, prescription drug prices, childcare and paid leave so you can help make sure that happens!
Sue Anne Reed's picture

NICU Parents Are Being Left in the Dark

July 22, 2021
NICU parents need, want, and deserve to understand how to protect their child’s health.
Jennifer Canvasser's picture
A girl with brown hair in a wheelchair sits smiling on a playground while her sibling swings

Why are Home- and Community-based Services important to you?

July 20, 2021
Are Home- and Community-Based services (HCBS) important for your family? Please share your story.
Felicia Burnett's picture

Dr. Fauci Answering Our Member Questions

July 19, 2021
Exciting news! Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH, and the chief medical advisor to President Biden, recently joined us to answer MamásConPoder / MomsRising member questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Take Action

Quick signature! Tell Congress to lower drug prices now!

July 19, 2021
Millions of Americans cannot afford their medicines, while drug companies are making record profits. To truly lower drug prices for everyone, Congress needs to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, end monopoly control of drug prices by corporations, and help people afford out-of-pocket costs. And they need to do it now!
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Take Action
A girl with brown hair in a wheelchair sits smiling on a playground while her sibling swings

Quick signature: Tell congress to increase funding for HCBS!

July 13, 2021
We need to improve our long-term care system to enable kids and people with disabilities, as well as older adults, to live safely at home and thrive in their communities. Tell Congress to make expansion of Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) a priority.
Felicia Burnett's picture
Got COVID-19 Vaccine Questions?

Got COVID-19 vaccine questions? We’ve got answers!

July 12, 2021
Exciting news! Dr. Anthony Fauci recently joined us to answer MamásConPoder / MomsRising member questions about the COVID-19 vaccines and we need your help to spread the word.
Felicia Burnett's picture
