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Gun Safety

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"My darkest hour"

July 15, 2013
Yesterday our hearts went out to Trayvon Martin's mother, who tweeted this: "Lord during my darkest hour I lean on you. You are all that I have...Thank you all for your prayers and support... I will love you forever Trayvon!!!" ~ Sybrina Fulton, July 14, 2013 As mothers, we stand with Sybrina...
Kristin's picture

Moms Stand With Sybrina Fulton And With All Moms Who've Lost Children to Gun Violence

July 14, 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sunday, 14 July 2013 Statement by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, executive director of, on justice for Trayvon Martin and last night’s Court ruling: “As mothers, we stand with Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin's mom, and with all the moms who've lost their children to...
Kristin's picture

What every parent should know about our juvenile justice system

July 12, 2013
I’m one of those moms who sees danger in every corner. I check for ticks, apply sun screen, and make sure my child is buckled into her car seat. I take it as my personal responsibility to ensure her safety. This taking of responsibility is a theme for our family. When my daughter messes up, I make...
Sarah Bryer's picture

A New Film About Oscar Grant Opens This Weekend

July 12, 2013
This Friday, an incredible film opens in theaters. Fruitvale Station follows the true story of Oscar Grant (played by Michael B. Jordan), a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who was unjustly killed by a police officer on New Year’s Day 2009. The film’s director wanted to tell the story through the eyes...
dream hampton's picture

Cows Against Gun Violence

June 19, 2013
Apologies to heifers everywhere, but cows, well, they smell bad. So did the April 17th U.S. Senate vote that failed to advance common sense gun policy reform. Clearly some Senators were more concerned about special interests than they were about the fact that more than 90% of the American people...
Gloria Pan's picture

We Can Do Better

June 17, 2013
Guns killed more preschoolers in one year than they did law-enforcement officers in the line of duty. Ask yourself if this is really what we as Americans meant by putting our children first? American companies manufacture enough bullets each year to fire 31 rounds into every one of our citizens...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Sorrow, Anger, ACTION! — A Gathering of Voices Against Gun Violence

June 14, 2013
MomsRising, PICONetwork, UltraViolet, Children's Defense Fund and the National Network to End Domestic Violence are pleased to present this gathering of voices against gun violence. Gun violence causes more than 30 deaths daily, yet gun manufacturers and their allies hope that the public will...
Kristin's picture

Why Did Raymond in the 5th Grade Need Bullets?

June 14, 2013
Raymond is suffering from depression. He doesn’t know that he is depressed. He is 11-years-old and in the 5th grade. He only knows that he is tired of feeling this way. He has no friends with whom he can be himself. School is too hard. His parents only accept “A”s and he can’t come close to getting...
Gina Carroll's picture

Bullets are not a safety plan

June 14, 2013
I can’t believe it’s the six-month anniversary of Newtown. I took a moment to read this blog I wrote a few days after the tragic event. It feels as relevant to me today as it did 6 months ago. The conversations are the same and I feel frustrated and stuck. We simply have to move forward. -Traci...
Traci Underwood's picture

When Shaniqua Doesn't Live in Newtown: Valuing the Lives of Black and Brown Children

June 13, 2013
With the 6 month anniversary of the Newtown massacre upon us it's a good time to self reflect on one of the central issues brought to the forefront, gun violence. On the surface it appears to be a noble crusade. If we could regulate this proliferation of guns then we could get a handle on tragedies...
C BS ALife Allah's picture
