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Can we eat some real food please?

April 23, 2012
My oldest daughter is 8 and in 2nd grade. When she first started school, she began in the Montgomery county summer school program which was free for one month. Hallelujah. She was given free breakfast. Another plus. However, when I went to the cafeteria I was a lot less impressed. Now granted, they...
Alison Crockett's picture

Eat Every Day Like It's Earth Day

April 23, 2012
Earth Day is a great opportunity to remember and reflect, if only for a moment, on the symbiotic relationship between our planet and its inhabitants. Now, what if we could be present to it every day, and taste daily the beautiful richness it gives our lives? Eating presents us and our families with...
Laetitia Mailhes's picture

Snack Does Not Equal Sugar

April 22, 2012
This story originally appeared in the LA Moms Blog . Yes, I’m the resident Sugar Nazi at my school, the parent who complained when a Halloween celebration involved kindergarteners nibbling powdered sugar donuts tied with string off a clothesline using only their mouths. I’m a wet blanket, I’m here...
Cynthia Liu's picture

From Quinoa to Tater Tots- Food Justice in Our Schools

April 20, 2012
My four year old eats quinoa every Tuesday at her preschool for snack. Wednesdays they get carrot soup for lunch. Fridays they bake bread. She's lucky to go to a school that sees healthy food as integral to her growth and development, and we're lucky we can afford to send her there. Because, of...
Natasha Freidus's picture

The Trouble With Tribbles and Food Deserts

April 20, 2012
The New York Times featured an article announcing the results of two studies examining the relationship between the physical health conditions in low-income neighborhoods and the availability of “healthy” food. The studies, the Times piece reported, seem to contradict the popular notion of a “food...
Mark Winston Griffith's picture

UPDATED! Food Revolution! A Blog Carnival On School Food and Fighting Childhood Obesity, Diabetes

April 20, 2012
This morning as I packed lunches for my two daughters, my youngest peered over the counter asking, “Did you pack some chips?” She and I both laughed as I placed apple in her lunch bag along side a small portion of her favorite guacamole-flavored chips. Everyday we try to strike a balance between...
Monifa Bandele's picture

Food Justice is Racial Justice

April 20, 2012
I have spent a lot of time in urban America looking at different neighborhoods and different cultures. I’m an anthropologist and I’ve examined the culture around food and some of the reasons why my community has the relationship to food that we do. One of the reasons that black people have the...
Marc Lamont Hill's picture

Setting a New Academic Standard: Getting Junk Food Out of Schools

April 20, 2012
A healthy nation starts with healthy kids, and experts and parents agree that junk food is a huge contributor to skyrocketing rates of diabetes and other chronic diseases. But the food and beverage industries spend billions of dollars promoting unhealthy foods virtually everywhere kids go--...
Prevention Institute's picture

No More Junk in School Foods

April 20, 2012
Over the past several years, the childhood obesity numbers have been steadily increasing. Today, over 23 million children/teens are either overweight or obese. A lot has to do with the amount of junk food and sugary drinks kids are consuming. Unfortunately most public schools aren’t doing much to...
Daphne Channel's picture

School meals are healthier. So why isn’t everything else?

April 20, 2012
All parents want what is best for their children, and all parents want to see their children succeed. Unfortunately, the childhood obesity epidemic means that about one-third of children and teens are now overweight or obese, putting them at risk for a lifetime of health problems such as type 2...
Elizabeth Brotherton's picture
