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Childcare & Early Education

71% of US supports food for kids, will Congress?

March 10, 2010
Nearly 17 million U.S. children (almost 1 out of every 4 children) faced hunger at some point last year. That is a staggering statistic. But for MomsRising member Yvonne, it's much more personal: "My sister, the mother of 2 preschoolers, has track marks up and down her arms. Last July both she and...
Sarah Francis's picture

March Forth Today!

March 4, 2010
"My husband and I have to work opposite shifts because child care is unaffordable. He works from 6am to 2:30pm, and I have to meet my husband at his job to drop off our son so that I can be to work by 3:00pm. I miss out on putting my son to bed ." - Kristina, MomsRising Member Unfortunately,...
Sarah Francis's picture

When will we dictate policy to protect our future generations?

February 18, 2010
Why are other countries recognizing the need for a paid stay-at home option, yet we are not? When will we dictate policy to protect our future generations? Our country's leaders seem to be primarily concerned with the here and now, instead of maintaining a balance that satisfies the present and the...

Tots Rock the Washington State Capitol!

February 9, 2010
Last Friday, February 5th we held an all-ages-sing-along-dance-party with in the Washington State Capitol Rotunda to make sure Washington legislators don't forget about kids and families this legislative session. The fantastic parents, tots and friends that joined us proved that Political Activism...
Sarah Francis's picture

State of the Union: Don't Lose the Family Amidst the Headlines

January 27, 2010
In listening to the political commentators prepare for the State of the Union Address tonight, most of them are telling the President that he must reframe the discussion, have courage, and focus on jobs, jobs, jobs. I think that the President is doing something quite courageous that SADLY may be...

Private Cost, Public Gain

January 26, 2010
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ The U.S. spends very little public money on children, and a great deal of public money on older people. The reason for this has to do with our cultural attitudes towards privacy and the...
Valerie Young's picture

Hungry children can't wait!

January 9, 2010
'I ask why they don't have any energy, and they say they haven't had enough to eat,' Jackson said. 'Then I talk to their mothers and they tell me there's no food in the house. It breaks my heart every day,' says program director Rita Jackson." Washington Post 1 in 4 children in our nation are on...
Sarah Francis's picture

Olympia, WA day one

December 3, 2009
To start, I am a 25 year old mommy of three, all under the age of 6!! As most parents do I think my little ones are amazing and I wanted to be as active as I could in their educations and lives. I got started in Head Start a year ago and with my oldest son and quickly got involved in the Policy...

A Staggering Statistic

November 24, 2009
As a new mom, I quickly learned what a cry of hunger sounds like. I was amazed by how quickly that cry drove me to action -- no mom can ignore that sound. Unfortunately, in today's economy, more and more families don't have the resources to answer those cries. In fact, a recent USDA study found...
Sarah Francis's picture

Making Our Children Healthier By Expanding Their Access To Nutritious Food

November 24, 2009
Too often lost in the debate over health care reform is the importance of preventive measures such as exercise and healthy eating to ensure that a doctor's visit is less likely to be needed in the first place. This is especially true for children whose early brain development and future health...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
