Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, January 22, 2021
As we celebrate President Biden and Vice President Harris being sworn in and the new Congress taking shape this week, your voice is needed on several important, urgent issues - including COVID-19 relief and signing on to the Moms Mandate that we will be sharing with the Biden administration and every single member of Congress, new and old!
It’s go time! We are in a moment of great need and also of incredible opportunity to help move forward change. Your voice is needed! Below you’ll find a link to our inauguration statement and important actions you can take to finish off this historic week.
Thank you in advance (and for all you’ve done these past months and years to get us to this moment!)!
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Elyssa, Anita, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team
MomsRising’s Mandate for America
Congratulations to President Biden and Vice-President Harris on taking office! Even as we celebrate, we know there’s an immense amount of work ahead.
With moms and our nation facing unprecedented challenges, we need immediate solutions. The status quo is not sustainable. Moms are trying to keep the jobs that our families and economy depend on and also care for our kids whose child care programs have shuttered and whose schools are operating only virtually. We’re trying to care for our parents, some of whom are terrified to leave their homes. And moms across our nation are trying to make ends meet on budgets that are stretched beyond the breaking point while being disproportionately pushed out of the labor force.
SIGN NOW to tell the new Congress we need COVID relief!
President Joe Biden has laid out a bold, comprehensive plan to bring our country back from the personal, health, and economic despair brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. From vaccines to childcare to paid family leave to addressing the staggering levels of hunger in this country to raising the minimum wage, the Biden Rescue Plan is the type of approach our country so desperately needs.
The direction of the country is changing, but President Biden can't do it alone! We need YOU to speak up right now!
How has your family been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?
The pandemic is hitting us all hard, especially women who are losing jobs at record numbers.
We want to increase pressure on our elected officials and policy makers to provide immediate relief to our families. Sharing your personal experiences can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps—extending and expanding emergency benefits including paid leave, unemployment insurance, and supporting childcare—are essential to the health and well-being of our communities.
Have you or a family member:
→ Been able (or unable) to access paid leave and/or paid sick days through the new emergency pandemic paid leave law?
→ Been laid off/furloughed because of the pandemic and had to access Unemployment Insurance? Lost your unemployment benefits?
→ Been forced out of work (or reduced your hours) due to caregiving responsibilities (including, lack of affordable child care options)?
→ Received the stimulus check? If so, how does your family plan to use it?
→ Had COVID-19 impact your family’s health or received the vaccine?
→ Been excluded from COVID relief because of your immigration status?
Get the latest actions with our mobile alerts
As we move through 2021, and especially as we work with the new Congress in passing legislation on the Mom’s Mandate, the easiest way for us to connect you with your Senators and Representatives is via mobile messaging.
Please sign up by texting MOMS to 747464 and you’ll receive the latest actions on your phone.
Our Statement: America’s Moms Are Ready For A New Era
“Make no mistake: Moms powered this change and we aren’t done yet. America’s moms will partner with the new administration and allies in Congress and in statehouses across the country to win the transformative policy reforms we urgently need. Yesterday we memorialized the 400,000 people we have lost to COVID-19 -- a pandemic and a presidency that have disproportionately harmed Black, Indigenous, and people of color -- and today we finally begin responding with smart programs and policies, and by supporting and protecting each other in our workplaces, our schools, our nursing homes and prisons, and throughout our communities.”
Read MomsRising’s full statement on our blog!
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