Learn the Facts About Baby and Toddler Food and Drinks Nutrition and Its Marketing #FoodFri
From birth to age 2 children form healthy eating habits that can prevent childhood obesity. Expert health professionals have provided recommendations for feeding babies and toddlers, yet baby and toddler food and drink companies and their marketing messages do not always support these recommendations.
Companies spent over $77 million dollars in 2015 to advertise infant formula, baby food and toddler food and beverages to parents. Their marketing messages are often misleading, making parents think that their commercial products are healthier then a mother's breastmilk or homemade food.
Earlier this month, UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity released a new report called Baby Food Facts. This report provides insight on the nutrition and marketing of baby and toddler food and drinks. They compared nutrional content against their marketing messages, the amount spent to advertise to parents, noted where most advertisements are found and so much more!
Join us on November 4, 2016, at 1p.m. EST, at the #FoodFri tweetchat to chat with @UConnRuddCenter about their Baby Food Facts report and it's findings.
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More about our #FoodFri Featured Co-Host(s):
The Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at the University of Connecticut is a distinguished multi-disciplinary policy research center dedicated to promoting solutions to childhood obesity, poor diet, and weight bias through research and policy. The Rudd Center is a leader in building broad-based consensus to change diet and activity patterns by conducting research and educating policy makers and the public. For more information, visit www.uconnruddcenter.org or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/uconnruddcenter or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/uconnruddcenter.
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