I am a mother to two boys that keep me happy and sleep deprived. I am also a administrator in K-12 education, an avid reader of YA dystopias, and passionate about girls' leadership.
Blog Post List
September 19, 2018
Today marked another in a winding stream of doctor’s visits to new doctors, trying desperately to find someone to take on my son’s case and help my family find some support. My seven year old is autistic. He speaks, but continues to struggle with communicating his needs, especially in constructive ways. He is prone to meltdowns and becomes destructive when he goes over the edge. He is impulsive and prone to anger. He has trouble regulating his moods and emotions. That same boy is incredibly sensitive. He cares deeply for the earth. He is interested in anthropology and can name every fact...

September 25, 2016
I was supposed to spend the first part of last week in Washington, D.C. coming together with women activists from around the U.S. to learn and organize so that women are poised to act and lead in this 2016-2017 election. #WeWontWait is about raising our voices to prioritize the needs of women and families, to make our communities stronger and safer. Instead, I spent this week scrambling to find after-school care for my special needs son after he was expelled from his after-school program for running outside to the playground without permission. This is the fourth program in five years that...

July 26, 2016
Last week I joined MomsRising to visit Mayor Buddy Dyer’s office to talk about the importance of early learning programs, like pre-k and childcare, in ensuring kids get a strong start both academically and in life. Why? Because early learning is so critical and is something dear to my heart. When my oldest was identified as being on the autism spectrum, things became more challenging as we also began navigating the difficult terrain of parenting a special needs child while working full time. Between student loans and the costs of living, having affordable, quality early learning options was...

October 2, 2014
I was out the other night with some of my colleagues and we were discussing ideas about what could help create a more supportive work culture at our university. The only two women at the table spoke about the need for more family friendly workplaces, specifically the need for paid family leave. We spoke about patched together leave that we or other women we knew had managed for the births of children. I told them that I was only able to take three weeks for the birth of my second son because I couldn’t afford to take unpaid leave and I didn’t have enough sick days to cover longer. My female...

Family Economic Security MomsRising Near You Open Flexible Work Paid Family Leave Paid Sick Days Politics & Policy
June 21, 2014
My mom was sitting across from me at the kitchen table, coloring a kite for me to take the 837 miles from my home in Florida to Washington, DC.
December 10, 2013
Recently, I signed-up with MomsRising and Get Covered America to host a “Healthy Homecomings” webinar at my house to learn more about the healthcare exchanges and tips for helping people in my family and community get the coverage they need. It was a great excuse to have friends over and I wanted to learn more about recent healthcare changes. Hosting the party was surprisingly simple. All I did was invite some friends and neighbors, wrangle my mother into whipping up a few snacks (this is optional, though you should never pass up an opportunity to have my mother bake), and read through a few...
August 29, 2013
This blog post originally appeared in a tumblr page, Find Myranda Southern . UPDATE: Myranda Southern, a mother from South Carolina whose story is covered in this blog, has been found dead. Our deepest condolences and prayers go out to her family and loved ones. Her family has released a statement thanking the countless volunteers across the country who helped look for her--> https://www.facebook.com/myrandasouthern This morning I made my toddler chocolate chip pancakes (don’t worry there were pureed veggies and fruit in the batter) and held my six month old tight because my Nanny, with...