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Last week I joined MomsRising to visit Mayor Buddy Dyer’s office to talk about the importance of early learning programs, like pre-k and childcare, in ensuring kids get a strong start both academically and in life.

‪Why? Because early learning is so critical and is something dear to my heart.

When my oldest was identified as being on the autism spectrum, things became more challenging as we also began navigating the difficult terrain of parenting a special needs child while working full time. Between student loans and the costs of living, having affordable, quality early learning options was critical to our family. He was identified and tested at the age of two through the State of Florida's Early Steps intervention program, which provided in home therapy and then he transition into Pre-k for ages 3-4 though our local school system. The support of my state and local school board made all the difference.

Early intervention allowed for my son to be prepared to go Kindergarten this fall, just like other five year olds, because after three years of early education he is being mainstreamed! As a mother, I can’t begin to express what seeing my son’s growth and development has meant to our family. 

That’s why I am working with MomsRising to help make sure other kids have the opportunities my son has had!

Dropping off the Strong Start for Strong Cities guide on early learning at City Hall wasn’t just easy (I even took my kids!), but it gave me a chance to raise my voice and show our local leaders that early learning is a critical issue for Orlando families.

All kids deserve a strong start!

Want to drop off the Strong Start for Strong Cities resource guide in your city? Sign up here to let MomsRising know and to get a copy of the book:

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