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Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, March 10, 2023

March 10, 2023
Limited time to speak up and protect asylum! Help us stop the asylum ban! The Biden Administration is taking public comments until March 27th on its plan to resurrect a Trump-era asylum ban. We have a very limited window to submit those comments, that’s why we need you to sign our petition NOW!...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

MOMENTUM: The MomsRising Impact in 2022

March 3, 2023
Welcome to MOMENTUM: The MomsRising Impact in 2022, a report highlighting the victories, progress, and power-building achieved by the MomsRising community in 2022.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Young child hugging mother's neck with a tear on their cheek.

North Carolina: Stop HB10 from terrorizing communities!

February 22, 2023
As caring people, we all want the same thing – a safe place for our families to live and thrive. We all want our children to live in peace and safe from danger. But North Carolina leaders introduced a new bill that could endanger many immigrant children and families! QUICK SIGN: Tell North Carolina...
Sheila Arias's picture

SIGN: Don’t rekindle Trump asylum policies! Show some love to migrant families!

February 14, 2023
We all want the same thing – a safe place for our families to live and thrive. That’s exactly what parents are looking for when they reach our border and request asylum. We all want our children to be alive and well. For some parents that means they have to trek international borders to keep themselves and their children safe from persecution and violence.
Donna's picture

Juega Lotería con nosotras durante el Estado de la Unión

February 7, 2023
* ¡Haz clic para descargar su tarjeta de Bingo del Estado de la Unión AHORA! * El Estado de la Unión ocurrirá el martes 7 de febrero de 2023, a las 21:00 horas. EST/6:00 p. m. hora del Pacífico ¡Estaremos mirando con palomitas de maíz y cartones de Lotería de MomsRising/MamásConPoder en la mano!...
linda's picture
PHOTO of MomsRising for Immigrant Women and Families poster at San Antonio Event

¡Demuestra tu amor a quienes solicitan asilo!

February 1, 2023
Todos queremos lo mismo, un lugar seguro donde nuestras familias puedan vivir y prosperar. Eso es exactamente los que buscan los padres de familia que llegan a nuestra frontera a pedir asilo. Todos queremos proteger la vida y la salud de nuestros hijos. Para algunos padres de familia esto requiere...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

Breaking Through into 2023! New Year, New Resolutions, New Victories!

January 11, 2023
On the radio show this week we dive into 2023 to cover the latest with the care infrastructure policies (paid family/medical leave, childcare, home- and community-based services, and fair pay for care workers), the ongoing fight for everyone who needs access to abortioncare to have access, hear...
Amber Dorsey's picture

Algo poderoso que puedes hacer antes de empezar a cocinar ese pavo

November 23, 2022
En este momento, mientras muchas familias están preparando el pavo y haciendo sus últimas compras previas al feriado de Acción de Gracias, también hay muchas familias que están con los nervios de punta esperando una decisión judicial que probablemente terminará con DACA (el programa de Acción...
Linda López-Stone's picture
Hand holding pen, writing list on notepad.

Tell Congress “prioritize our families now!”

November 18, 2022
There are less than 7 weeks left in the year but WOW does Congress have some work to do! We have created a “to-do” list for Congress to keep them on schedule for delivering important policies for our families, children, and economy by the end of the year.
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, November 18, 2022

November 18, 2022
The recent elections left us with a number of mixed emotions. Excited for new faces and firsts, worried about delayed outcomes in others and, of course, some disappointment. But more than anything, in this season of thankfulness we are grateful . We are grateful for YOU. Your mobilization,...
Selina Maldonado's picture
