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Single father explains hardships caused by shutdown

Government shutdown ends, hardship continues

February 5, 2019
The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano is relieved congressional leaders and the administration reached a deal last week to temporarily re-open the federal government. However, we remain deeply concerned about the lasting impact this shutdown will have for federal workers and contractors, food...
Lisa Sherrill's picture

No Candy Rewards in Classrooms, Please

February 4, 2019
A while ago, a teacher from my 5-year-old son’s Saturday Chinese School gave out candy rewards. My husband and I felt uncomfortable about this. We have opinions about candy. I don’t eat candy. I don’t spend my grocery money on candies. With that being said, there is no candy under my roof. When my...
To-wen Tseng's picture

#RisersRadio: Democracy Is NOT A Spectator Sport

January 28, 2019
On the #RisersRadio show this week we cover the government shutdown, re-opening, and what’s happening next; we get the inside scoop from a structural engineer about the literal faults in Trump’s ridiculous wall; we hear the impact of using children’s access to healthy food as a political football;...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Universal Background Checks Now

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: January 27, 2019

January 27, 2019
The Shutdown crisis has been averted, for now. A huge thank you to the thousands of MomsRising members who called their U.S. Senators, sent emails, wrote letters of protest, visited congressional offices, shared personal stories about how the shutdown was affecting their families, and in other ways...
Karen Showalter's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Brown paper grocery bags are filled with cans and fresh food.]

Navigating the #TrumpShutdown: The Low Down on Benefits, School Lunches, Resources & More

January 24, 2019
As the #TrumpShutdown drags on, people across the country are suffering devastating consequences. From confusion over SNAP (food stamps) and WIC experienced by beneficiaries to the sudden loss of income experienced by 800,000+ federal workers and contractors, the effects of this shutdown are far-...
Jessica Burroughs's picture

California Becomes First State to Require Healthy Drinks on Kids’ Restaurant Menus

January 16, 2019
On Jan. 1, thanks to the Healthy-By-Default Kids' Meal Beverages Act, California became the first state to require water or milk as the beverage automatically offered with kids' meals at restaurants. By replacing sugary drinks with healthy options as the default beverages on kids' menus, the new law is a significant milestone in our collective efforts to encourage kids to eat and drink healthy.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
child looking at tablet

Tell Google: Kids Apps Should be for Kids, not Marketers!

January 14, 2019
Raise your hand if you agree: Apps for kids shouldn’t serve deceptive ads, collect personal data, or trick children into making in-app purchases. Both of my hands are way up! But Google recommends a slew of “family-friendly” apps that do JUST THAT. Ugh. I'm so tired of the ads and tricks hidden in...
Karen Showalter's picture
US Capitol building

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: January 11, 2018

January 11, 2019
Happy Friday! We're already up to full speed in 2019, and we need all hands on deck to speak out about the government shutdown, as well as priorities for the new Congress. And we're celebrating a big victory this week too! Scroll down to take action and find out more. As always, THANK YOU for all...
Karen Showalter's picture

Winter break can be terrifying for mothers living in poverty

December 27, 2018
No one wants a child to go hungry, but in the world’s wealthiest nation, hunger is a very real problem in the lives of students living in poverty. As a public school educator working with some of New Orlean’s most impoverished students, I get a pit in my stomach every time a student nudges me to...
Qiana Torregano's picture

The Trump Shutdown: Approaching the Dec. 21 Deadline, Here's What Matters

December 19, 2018
President Trump has threatened to veto the year-end spending bill if it does not include $5 billion for his border wall. Today, his press secretary has tried to step back from the brink by saying Trump could sign a bill that allows him to find $5 billion for the wall through various accounts...
Debbie Weinstein's picture
