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Environmental Health

Moms, Kids, and a 20 Foot Tall Rubber Duck

April 6, 2010
What do a bunch of moms, parents, advocates, and a 20 foot tall rubber ducky have in common? All of them were outside of the annual chemicals industry convention in Baltimore last week, letting the industry know that “You Can’t Duck Real Reform!” And they weren’t the only ones speaking out for...
Ariana Kelly's picture

Chemical Industry Decides Public Health Really IS Better Than Private Profits

April 1, 2010
In a turn of events not even Nostradamus could foresee, Cal Dooley, President and CEO of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), today announced that the millions of dollars the industry trade group has been using to lobby against policies that protect public health will now be used instead to...

Food Dyes and Children's Behavior

March 25, 2010
By Michael F. Jacobson, Executive Director Center for Science in the Public Interest A lot of parents notice that the foods our kids eat affect their behavior. Some of those effects are subtle, some less so. Most dads and moms know that sugar and caffeine can have a dramatic impact on behavior, but...
Mike Jacobson's picture

Consumer Products: Find Out What's "Healthy Stuff!"

March 24, 2010
MomsRising is proud to partner with Ecology Center's Healthy Stuff project in sharing results from their independent consumer product safety testing. Healthy Stuff tested a wide range of consumer products for the presence of toxic chemicals like lead, arsenic, and PVC, all of which have been...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Compounded Green Consumer Power

March 23, 2010
Here's an inspiring example of a way to multiply your own consumer power.

Protecting Children's Health and Ending Mountaintop Removal

March 19, 2010
Over the past year, Administrator Jackson has pledged that her agency is back at work defending children’s health by ending environmental injustices, but when it comes to ending mountaintop removal, the agency is stalled.
Renee Blanchard's picture

Protect American Families from Dioxin

March 17, 2010
In 1978, I discovered my child was attending an elementary school built on top of a 20,000 ton, toxic-chemical dump in Niagara Falls, New York. As a mom, I was outraged! That shocking discovery spurred me and my neighbors to lead a three-year struggle to protect our children and families from the...
Lois Marie Gibbs's picture

Bring on the radical homemakers

March 12, 2010
...At some point, of course, I realized I wasn’t happy. I was trapped. I had money, but not time. It was like being surrounded by food, and dying of thirst. It turns out that there is a way out of this mess. There are people all over this country–both women and men–who have made a conscious decision to value their time more than their money. Against the formidable current of popular culture, they have decided that this may be the only life they will ever have, and they’re going to live it fully.
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Top 10 Toxic Products You Don't Need

March 4, 2010
It's become so common in our culture to assume we need things - a lot of things. Over-consumption is not only a strain on our bank accounts and environment, it can also be harmful to our health. Whether there's a warning label or not (usually not), many of the things we buy have associated health...

Cleaning is Getting Healthier and Safer

February 22, 2010
The issue of disinfectants is a controversial topic for those trying to eliminate toxic cleaning products from their businesses, homes, and schools. It is a product that is commonly used in places where large amounts of people visit to help lower the risk of spreading bacteria; like bathrooms, office buildings, and theme parks, but often contain harmful chemicals that can impact your respiratory, development, and reproductive systems.
Renee Blanchard's picture
