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The Congressional Super Committee is in charge of proposing a plan to significantly cut our federal deficit, and I am one of the millions of Americans watching their recommendations closely. I am particularly concerned that they will suggest short-sided cuts to critical programs like Medicaid that keep our communities strong and healthy.

I know firsthand the impact cuts to health care programs for seniors, like adult day programs, Medicare and Medicaid, would have on families.

I cared for my mother for over three years after she had had a stroke. She needed 24/7 supervision and complete care. I had to quit my job because we could not afford to hire someone. At the time my son was in college and we nearly lost our house because of the financial burden. Medicare helped pay for my mother's participation at an adult day health program as did a grant from the United Way so that I could get a few hours two to three days a week for much-needed respite. Now Mom resides in a nursing home where Medicaid pays for the cost.

She isn’t alone. Medicaid is the primary payer for 64% of nursing home residents. What are our seniors and their families to do without this safety net?

These programs work together in critical and cost-effective ways. The adult day programs are essential to allow some families to care for aging parents at home, thereby relieving the burden of Medicaid having to pay for long-term care longer than necessary. The difference in cost to the government and taxpayers is obvious by simply looking at the numbers. Both programs are tremendous necessities to providing care for our elderly and frail. Adding a more comprehensive system of respite at home to the mix would help prevent caregiver burnout and postpone the need for long-term care, saving the government and taxpayer even more money.

Cutting these programs would not only be devastating to families, but financially, it doesn't make sense.

Sussi Goff is a MomsRising member who lives in Templeton, Massachusetts.


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