Alexa Bigwarfe is a wife, mother of three, dog owner, and advocate for those without a voice. She started blogging as an outlet for her grief after the loss of one of her twin daughters to Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). She is also the founder of Lose The Cape, a website dedicated to encouraging mothers, talking about issues that are important to women and mothers, and creating an environment where moms can talk about topics without feeling judged. She is passionate about advocating for women's and children's rights and discusses these topics on her podcast, by the same name: Lose the Cape. She is a USA Today Best Selling author and is the editor and publisher of the Lose the Cape! anthology series, Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother, Ditch the Fear and Just Write It! and many other books. She published these books and many books for other authors through her hybrid publishing company, Kat Biggie Press. She spends her free time writing about children's and maternal health topics and survival strategies for busy moms, and trying to get people to believe talking about politics is cool.
Blog Post List

March 8, 2019
A few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my two-year-old wailing. She was afraid and uncomfortable, having vomited in her bed and woken herself up. She reached for me, her sweet face looking pitiful and streaked with tears. As soon as she was bathed and comforted and sheets were changed, I fired off an email to my boss: “Won’t be in today—sick kid. See you tomorrow.” As I hit send, an ugly, uncharitable thought crept its way into my brain: this is one less day I’ll have at home with the new baby. Though I hadn’t told anyone yet, I was newly pregnant with our...

October 24, 2018
There was a time when my children were small and I often skipped voting in the midterm elections. I had a lot of excuses - no one to watch the kids, I didn't want to stand in line with them being nuts all around me, Midterms weren't important anyway. Wait, what? Now it's hard to believe that I thought ANY of those things. I was at home with my children, but I'm sure there are plenty of working moms who have also run their list of excuses around voting. If we've learned anything over the last several years, it should be that it is important for us to show up and vote EVERY TIME we get the...