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Take Action!
A baby snap shirt with the message "Moms Rising Against Family Separation" printed on it.
Kristin's picture

Like you, I’ve been horrified by the cruel, vicious way the Trump administration has treated asylum-seeking families. Trump’s executive order on immigration this week still imprisons children.

The moms of America have zero tolerance for these human rights abuses. We’re rallying at full throttle to stop it.

YOU CAN HELP – YES YOU! Help us create something so eye-catching that elected officials and the media won’t ever be able to forget that the lives of real children, real mothers, and real families are on the line.

How? Help us build a “Power of ONEsie” chain by decorating a baby onesie and sending it to us (see address below) -- or by purchasing a special decorated baby onesie for us to add ASAP to the project for you. Decorating or donating a onesie is a powerful way to help and also to be represented at the rallies even if you can’t take time off work or travel to an event -- and is also an extremely effective way to visually communicate that the lives of young people are on the line.

* Here are your two options (You can also do both!):

  1. Decorate one! Use your creative skills to decorate your own onesie -- with kids, with your neighbors, or with friends even too -- and send it to:

    c/o BerlinRosen
    1620 L Street NW
    Suite 300A
    Washington, DC 20036

    *Note: The faster you decorate and send in a onesie, the faster we’ll be able to powerfully display them in rallies. So please hurry. We’ll be accepting decorated onesies on a rolling basis for the next two weeks.

  2. Donate one! Make an emergency gift right now to help us build this chain for use ASAP! It’s $10 per decorated baby onesie. Donate one, five, 20 -- whatever you can afford.

    * Note: Our onesie production deadline for display at rallies next weekend is MONDAY - Please don’t wait! Rush your donation today.

We have no time to waste. Lives are on the line. Children’s lives.

Our nation's treatment of immigrant children, women, and families is devastatingly wrong. Children deserve to be with their families outside of cages. Children, women, and families deserve to have their rights protected.

Join in raising our voices and demanding change, the MomsRising way. Decorate or donate a onesie!

Imagine a long, eye-catching chain of decorated baby onesies that fills your eyes - a strong visual representation of the THOUSANDS of children and parents suffering deep and lasting trauma from Trump’s indefensible and immoral immigration policy.

It’s long past time for the President’s lies and destructive immigration policies to end.

Be part of our POWER of ONEsie campaign by creating or donating a onesie for display now.

Thank you for rising to defend children, moms, and families.

P.S. Don't want to fund a onesie, but still want to support our work on immigration with a donation? Donate here instead!

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