Top #5Actions of the Past Week: October 24, 2019
Know what's spookier than a bump in the night? Not speaking out about issues that matter to women and families! We're here to help, with this week's round-up of top actions. Please scroll down and make sure you've signed them all, then be sure to share with family and friends too. Because together: we are spooktacular! Thanks!
BACKGROUND: Over the past few weeks and months, we’ve seen the heartbreaking photos of families being kept in inhumane conditions by the Trump Administration’s horrific policies. MomsRising members have swung into action -- holding protests in their communities, urging our legislators to take action, and also using our consumer voices to make sure our banks do not profit from the suffering of families. And we are making a tremendous difference! Working with the powerful Families Belong Together coalition, we won the commitment of JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, SunTrust, BNP Paribas, Fifth Third Bancorp, Barclays, and PNC to end financing of private prisons, where the majority of people in immigration custody are detained. These eight bank commitments represent an estimated 87.4% of the credit and term loans available to private prison companies, CoreCivic and Geo Group! This is huge! Let’s keep up our MOMentum by getting more banks to stop financing private prisons! *Sign now to say NO to Citizens Bank, Regions, First Tennessee Bank, Synovus Bank, Pinnacle Bank, and other banks profiting from the suffering of families!
2. Urge Congress and State Governors to END Youth Incarceration NOW!
BACKGROUND: On any given day, the United States incarcerates nearly 60,000 youth under age 18 in jails and prisons, incarcerating more young people than any other country. Prison is no place for a kid. Children deserve a future free of criminalization, a future that supports their development and capacity to contribute meaningfully to society. Join us to tell Congress and our state Governors that we need them to END the practice of putting kids in prison and invest in community based supports, services, and opportunities for youth.
3. Tell Congress: Advance Paid Sick Days with the Healthy Families Act!
BACKGROUND: Every single year, the United States experiences seasonal flu epidemics. But before you start stocking up on tissues and reviewing proper hand washing techniques with your kids, take a quick second to ask your members of Congress to act quickly to pass the Healthy Families Act and do one of the best things possible to curb the spread of cold and flu bugs this season! The Healthy Families Act is historic legislation that would allow workers in businesses with 15 or more employees to earn up to seven job-protected paid sick days each year to be used to recover from their own illnesses, access preventive care, provide care to a sick family member, or attend school meetings related to a child’s health condition or disability. Workers in businesses with fewer than 15 employees would earn up to seven job-protected unpaid sick days each year to be used for the same reasons, unless their employers choose to offer paid sick days. There is huge momentum for the Healthy Families Act! The bill has more co-sponsors in Congress than ever before. Now is the time to turbo-boost this legislation with some serious MOMentum! Add your name now.
4. Demand a Thorough and Fair Impeachment Inquiry!
BACKGROUND: America’s elections belong to America’s voters and no foreign government should play any role in determining the outcomes, let alone be coerced by the President to do so! We must hold the President, and all leaders, accountable to the people. This is a historically important moment to stand up not just for us, not just for today, but because the patterns we are setting now build the country our children will live in for years to come--and we want our children to live in a fair democracy. Add your name now.
5. Quick Action for Reproductive Rights!
BACKGROUND: For over four decades, anyone who relies on government health care has been unable to use their benefits to cover the cost of an abortion. The Hyde Amendment was enacted 43 years ago and restricts government funds from being used to cover abortion “except in extremely limited circumstances,” essentially ensuring that low-income women can’t access the same rights to safe, legal abortion as the rest of the population. Urge your member of Congress to co-sponsor the EACH Woman Act which would repeal the Hyde Amendment!
Have a great weekend!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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