Top #5Actions of the Past Week: December 18, 2020
Your urgent action is still needed before the country shuts down for the year-end holidays! The clock is ticking: We’ve got to keep urging Congress to help families who are suffering COVID’s economic fallout by taking immediate steps to strengthen and expand unemployment insurance, as well as extend paid leave and sick days. And keep reaching out to Georgia voters to make sure they cast their ballots for the U.S. Senate Special Election on Jan. 5th, which is just around the corner.
-- Kristin, Anita, Gloria, Sue Anne, Taylor, Ruth, Elyssa, Diarra, and the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team
Call your U.S. Senators now to demand a year-end COVID package!
Believe it or not, the U.S. Congress is still negotiating a year-end COVID package. Unless they take immediate action in the next few days, 12 million people will be immediately kicked off of unemployment insurance , 19 million renters will lose their homes and 31 million parents will lose access to emergency paid leave at the same time that the virus is rampaging and schools are shutting down. Negotiations have been on-going but we need you to push one last time to make sure the priorities our families desperately need are included in a final year-end COVID package.
Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 or call 1-888-754-9091 to tell your Senators that #ReliefCantWait
Power Up MomsRising: All Gifts Doubled!
We need you now! As 2020 winds to a close, we’re giving thanks for the many ways we’ve come together to power up the MomsRising movement in this uniquely challenging year. Even in the most difficult moments, we lifted our voices together, spoke up for each other, and moved this nation forward. Let’s finish this year strong. Your gift to MomsRising lets the world know that parents and families are powerful together-- and that we’ve got PARENT POWER for 2021 and beyond! *Your gift will be MATCHED by an anonymous donor!
Time’s running out! Please give today by clicking here.
PHONE BANK: Follow the lead of Black women-led organizations to get out the Georgia vote!
THERE IS A SPECIAL ELECTION IN GEORGIA ON JANUARY 5th! *Do you have some time to help get out the vote with the Black women-led Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda, along with the Transformative Justice Coalition, and Public Citizen in making phone calls to Georgia voters to let them know about their early voting, absentee voting, and same day voting options for the January Special Election?
The time is now!! "This week is the most important week to make phone calls. Our goal is getting people the information they need to early vote, which started Monday, December 14th in Georgia; and also to ask people to utilize the absentee ballot process in Georgia. Getting people the information they needed to vote early and absentee on November 3rd resulted in historic voter turnout, we’re using those same tactics now to build voter turnout for the Georgia Special Election!" - Dianne Wilkerson, Transformative Justice Coalition
Sign up now to get out the vote in Georgia by phonebanking.
Quick Signature! Urge your Congress members to end the HYDE amendment
We are reimagining a future where we can live, work, and make decisions about our health and our future with dignity and respect. We can start by ending the Hyde Amendment: The EACH Woman Act is a bill that would ensure abortion coverage for all. It should not matter how much money you make or whether or not you have insurance – each of us should be able to make personal decisions without politicians interfering. Right now, we have more than 180 co-sponsors in the U.S. House, and over 20 co-sponsors in the U.S. Senate, for the EACH Woman Act – with only a few weeks left to add co-sponsors, we need to show overwhelming support to end the Hyde amendment.
Call your members of Congress and tell them to include emergency paid leave in their year-end COVID package!
Emergency paid leave has been proven to prevent more than 15,000 new COVID cases per day. It has prevented countless evictions, hospitalizations, hungry children, and sleepless nights and is supported by small business owners who say that paid leave has helped them keep their workers in jobs. But to date, Congress has failed to renew emergency paid leave. If they do not renew it before the end of the year, over 31 million working people no longer have access to this safety net.
Text PaidLeave to 747464 to tell your Members of Congress to expand and extend emergency paid leave through 2021!.
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