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Dear member,

Anyone else having a hard time sleeping? No wonder. Many of us are just one pink slip away from losing a home or health insurance. This is no time for politics as usual. Right now, Congress is working to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the economic stimulus package and its passage is in no way guaranteed.

If Wall Street bailouts can move through Congress quickly, so can help for real people.

Tell Congress: Pass the economic stimulus package quickly and make sure it creates good jobs and helps families struggling to make ends meet.

Send a letter now

WAIT! ONE MORE THING: Our leaders need to hear that real families are hurting in this recession. If you or a family member has lost a job, a house, healthcare, or sleep because of the recession, tell us about it here and we'll share your stories with Congress and the White House: Share your story

What's happening with the economic stimulus package? The House passed a bill with a lot of great supports for families in need including many of the things we've been fighting for, like child care subsidies and unemployment insurance for part-time workers, but the Senate just made $105 billion dollars of cuts, $50 billion of which comes straight out of the programs for kids.1 Right now, Congress is working to resolve the differences between the House and Senate versions of the economic stimulus bill.

Tell Congress: Pass the economic stimulus package quickly and make sure it supports our families!

Send a letter now

Please forward this message to all your friends and family to urge Congress to take strong action now for our nation's families in need!

Thanks for your work on behalf of a strong America.

--Donna, Kristin, Joan, Julia, Katie, Ashley and the Team

P.S. Thanks to our partners at First Focus, the National Women's Law Center, the National Employment Law Project, Center for American Progress, the Center for Law and Social Policy, National Council of La Raza, and the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium for their tireless work to ensure that the economic stimulus package benefits families.

[1] For more information, see this excellent analysis by First Focus:

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