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It seems every few days someone in Washington has a new plan, commission or deal to cut trillions from the federal budget. But these discussions are always about the dollar amounts cut, not the families cut off from services as a result.

As policymakers ponder vast changes in how the government collects and spends money, someone needs to tell them to remember to protect support for children and families. With the Voices for America's Children Facebook app, that person can be you!

Simply enter your zip code and the app identifies your representatives in Congress. From there you can write on their Facebook walls to tell them to protect children in the budget fight.

Now is a crucial time for Congress to hear your support for children and families. Some on Capitol Hill propose gutting Medicaid, leaving up to 18 million children without health coverage. Pell Grant cuts could mean hundreds of thousands of students lose their chance at college. And hundreds of thousands of children and nursing mothers could lose nutrition aid if you don’t speak up.

Nothing less is at stake than doctor visits, food support and a shot at a better future for America’s children. Speak out to support children and families and help your members of Congress see the writing on the wall -- their Facebook wall!

Bill Bentley is President and CEO of Voices for America's Children.

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