We’ve heard from many dads who’s families are boosted by the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit. This Father’s Day we want to honor these hard working papas by sharing their stories with you.
Why are we talking about the EITC and Child Tax Credit now? Because unless the U.S. Congress acts soon, key provisions of the EITC and Child Tax Credit will expire, pushing nearly 16 million people—including 8 million children and many military families—into poverty and making it harder for tens of millions more families to pay their bills.
As these stories show, hard-working families need their Senators and Representatives to support and strengthen the EITC and Child Tax Credit. In honor of these dads and Father’s Day, write your members of Congress today and ask them to support the EITC and Child Tax Credit: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/EITC_ChildTaxCredit/
“For us the EITC and CTC are the only time we ever get anything extra. No matter how we scrimp and save, it seems that the money in our pay checks are already spent by the time we get them. I work two jobs and my wife has three and it seems that any time we increase our income, the cost of living goes up even more. These tax credits are the only time we are able to put something into savings or take a serious chunk out of our student loans.”-David, Colorado
“I no longer need the EITC but I’m glad it was there when I did. Raising a family of two children was difficult when we first got started. The EITC and CTC were crucial to surviving the first several years. I can't imagine what it is like for young families today. Don't let it end through your inaction, Congress!”-Grant, Connecticut
“When my children were younger, as a divorced dad I earned less while I spent more time with my children. The EITC helped me provide for them and generally get by. Now they are adults and self-sufficient, and I am able to earn more.”-Eric, Massachusetts
“I am a working single parent of two adopted children. I chose to go back to school to finish my Bachelors of Science in Nursing. I count on the EITC to ensure sustainable living while in school. Taking the credit away will negatively affect my educational goals and my family.”-Georgia
“These tax credits have personally helped me and my family with much needed funds to catch up and have some leftover for a family vacation to go visit other family members whom we haven’t seen in over 25 years.”- Roy, Utah
“I have benefited from the Earned Income Tax Credit. It helps me pay bills and put food on the table. I also have benefited by getting food stamps to stretch my budget. We cannot gut these programs for the poor and the middle class.”-Stuart , Maryland
“I'm old now and these tax credits, over time sure were a great help to us.I raised a large family and some times we sure needed help, even though my wife helped when she had the time to work outside the home. There never seemed to be enough of anything at times, but we made do.”- Donald, Tennessee
“I am a father of three and the EITC and Child Tax Credit are a godsend when things go awry and then there is a little boost to help right the ship.”- Sean, Rhode Island
Do you have a story of how your family has been boosted by the EITC and/or Child Tax Credit? Great! Share it with us here so we can share it with our elected leaders and help them defend these important working family tax credits.
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