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Some powerful members of Congress are threatening to torpedo President Obama's efforts to fix our healthcare system by saying that we can't afford healthcare reform right now. It reminds me of the time I decided to save on plumbing bills by ignoring the leak in my ceiling. Three thousand dollars of rot removal later, I learned that delaying a fix on an obvious structural problem is not smart fiscal policy.

Right now Congress is deciding whether to allocate money for healthcare reform in this year's budget or just ignore the problem.

Tell Congress we can't afford to wait for healthcare reform!
Send a letter now

What's happening now? The good news is that President Obama has declared his commitment to achieving healthcare reform by submitting a budget to Congress that sets aside 634 billion dollars over 10 years as a down payment on health reform. Now Congress is deciding if they will keep this down payment in the budget. The outcome of this fight will be a critical marker of whether or not healthcare reform can succeed.

This fight is critical and urgent for millions of people across the country -- people like MomsRising member, Julia, in North Carolina who told us that she has cancer and is foregoing chemotherapy because she has no healthcare coverage.

We've got a great shot at finally fixing our broken healthcare system that saps the vitality out of the American economy and breaks the hearts and banks of so many American families and businesses. Medical bills are a leading cause of bankruptcy and high healthcare premiums are a burden on both individuals and businesses. We've got a chance now to both bring down costs and boost coverage. But it's going to take a start up investment to get us going down the right path.

All moms and dads and all advocates for families must now tell Congress we can't afford to wait for healthcare reform!

Send a letter now

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