Last week, MomsRising volunteers and staff made a real splash on Capitol Hill with our “Give our Kids a Winning Hand” campaign and delivery of family stories and over 25,000 signatures on our open letter to Congress. Thanks to help from our members, we made significant strides in educating Congress about the urgent need to fund the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Now is the perfect time to keep up the pressure!
This week, lawmakers will be at home for the Thanksgiving holiday, reading their local paper. You can help keep CHIP on the Congressional agenda by writing a Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper.
We’ll make it super easy for you! Click through to get all you need, including a sample letter you can submit as is or edit. Click here to get started: http://action.momsrising.org/lte/CHIP_LTE_thankful/
It’s sooooo simple! When you click on the link above, we’ll lead you through a quick process to write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper. This tool is pretty magical—you can easily edit our pre-drafted letter and send it to your paper with just a few clicks.
The pre-drafted letter (which we do recommend editing to be in your own voice!) reads:
“This week, I am feeling particularly thankful that Congress had the wisdom to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
CHIP covers children whose families’ incomes are too high to qualify them for Medicaid, but not high enough that they can afford private health insurance. Since it was created with bipartisan support in 1997, CHIP has helped cut the number of uninsured children in half.
Funding for this crucial program is up for renewal this year and Congress must act before it expires. Without quick action, our state will lose critical money and thousands of kids in our state may lose the health coverage they depend on to stay healthy and ready to learn.”
Just click the link to send a Letter to the Editor to your local paper to show you’re thankful for CHIP: http://action.momsrising.org/lte/CHIP_LTE_thankful/
Over 25,000 MomsRising members, signed a petition asking Congress to continue CHIP funding. Take the next step to show Congress that it is imperative for them to act as soon as they return from the Thanksgiving holiday to renew CHIP. Taking a quick moment now to click the link to our easy-to-use platform is a powerful way to show you’re thankful for CHIP and grab the attention of your U.S. Senators and Representative.
And it works! MomsRising members recently had letters published in local papers about CHIP using this tool—so we know it works!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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