Quick signature: Tell Congress to protect and expand the Affordable Care Act!
Amazing! It was fourteen years ago today that President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law! Since then, we have reached a record low uninsured rate, and this past year a historic 21.4 MILLION people signed up for health care coverage through the Marketplace! Incredible!
Even with its success—and countless failed attempts to repeal the law over the past 14 years—Republican leaders are continuing to vow to repeal the ACA. We won't allow it!
Quick signature: Tell Congress to protect and expand the Affordable Care Act now!
The ACA works!! We need to protect and expand it. In fact, since the ACA passed, over 45 million Americans have gotten health care coverage through the ACA. In addition, the ACA marketplace and the expansion of Medicaid included in the law, is providing health coverage for these 40 million people at a much lower cost. Four out of five people enrolling in a Marketplace plan have a plan for less than $10 a month!
The ACA law also helps to protect all of us from discrimination and to stop bad practices by insurance companies through consumer protections which are lifting families. The Affordable Care Act does the following great things to protect our care:
- Bans discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions (like pregnancy, c-sections, or breast cancer)
- Bans lifetime caps on coverage so that people with serious or chronic illnesses don’t lose coverage when they need it most
- Requires adult children to be allowed to stay on their parent’s plans until age 26
- Prohibits insurance companies from charging women more than men for insurance
- Requires all new insurance plans to cover preventive services at no cost—like check-ups, well-child visits, birth control, cancer screenings, and vaccines
If Republican members of Congress succeed at repealing the ACA, it would eliminate these consumer protections, rip away coverage for millions, and drive up costs for millions more. Not on our watch!
Add your name! Tell Congress to protect and expand the ACA!
When you click, you’ll be able to sign on to our letter that reads:
Dear Congress,
Everyone deserves to have access to health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has brought our nation’s uninsured rate to a record low—you must protect and expand it!
Since the ACA passed, about 46 million people have gained health coverage through the Marketplace and about 24 million people have gained coverage through Medicaid. In addition, more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions are protected from discrimination by health insurance companies, and health disparities have decreased while health outcomes have improved for communities of color, rural Americans, and people with disabilities.
The ACA is lifting families and boosting our economy! Congress must protect the ACA and build on its success. Please work together to expand access to health care for ALL people, lower health care costs for families, and preserve the consumer protections included in the law.
Don’t forget to sign on! Tell Congress to protect the ACA and build on its success.
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