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We know how crazy the holidays are for moms and dads, so we wanted to make sure you heard Julie's story. Julie is a MomsRising member whose daughter Violet has a life threatening form of epilepsy and frequently needs to be hospitalized.  New provisions in health reform have already made it possible for Violet and many other children to get the care they need.

MomsRising member, Julie, shares: "My beautiful, two year old daughter, Violet, has a rare and life threatening form of epilepsy that causes her to have hundreds of seizures, during which she stops breathing and requires hospitalization. When Violet is not having seizures, she is a happy, curious little girl who loves people. Without the protections passed by health care reform that ended annual and lifetime limits on care, Violet would probably reach her lifetime limits on care in a few years. I know that a lifetime limit on insurance would limit Violet's lifetime on Earth."

Opponents of health reform have made it their top priority to dismantle this legislation which is already helping children like Violet across our nation. That means we've got to ramp up quickly for the start of the 2011 Congress in the new year in order to counter this threat.

We need to move quickly to convince members of Congress to keep moving forward with health reform to help the many children like Violet who will suffer without adequate health care. This is so important that an anonymous donor has harnessed the holiday spirit by stepping up to provide $10,000 in matching funds for MomsRising members who contribute in the next 48 hours so that we can raise $20,000.

Will you join us? A contribution of $15 or more will enable us to take our health care campaign full force at the start of the new Congress in January 2011. MomsRising will launch a virtual storm on the new Congress--on-the-ground, online, and in the media--reminding them that they need to keep standing up for families, not health insurance lobbyists.

Will you pitch in?

As we get ready for this fight, we all need to pitch in. Today's a great day to do it because if you give a gift now, it will be matched dollar for dollar:

$15 becomes $30..
$25 becomes $50…
$50 becomes $100…
$100 becomes $200, and so on….

Will you donate now and double your power in support of health reform? Please donate today by clicking the link below now:

With your help, MomsRising will raise $20,000 in the next week to ramp up our grassroots health care advocacy work in the new Congress, and defeat the forces gearing up to roll back health care reform before it can even be fully started.

Whether you're a parent who can now rest easier knowing there are no annual or lifetime limits on care, someone who has a child with a pre-existing condition who can never again be denied affordable health care, or a business owner who can now afford to purchase health care insurance because of health care tax credits for small businesses, we've all gained critical protections from the passage of health care reform.  We must counter coming corporate efforts in Congress to roll back the hard fought consumer protections we've won through the passage of the Affordable Care Act!

Opponents of health reform have vowed to repeal, defund, and block implementation of health care reform in the new Congress.  For the sake of Violet and so many other children, we can't let this happen!

With this matching gift opportunity, we know we can meet our goal of raising $20,000 this holiday season to help stop health care reform rollbacks.

*Here's the link to donate and have your gift matched:

We can't let this opportunity pass us by. Our voices are making a difference and are urgently needed.

Together we can make sure that in the new year Congress will hear from real moms and families and change our nation for the better for our children.

But with opponents of health care reform planning right now how to dismantle health reform, we need your help NOW. 

Can you pitch in $15 today? Click here!
Thanks for your work on behalf of America's families. And happy holidays!

P.S. Please pass this message along to your friends and family, so they can take advantage of this great opportunity and help us protect the gains we've secured through health reform! Support us today!

P.P.S. Give the gift of The Custom-Fit Workplace and help out MomsRising at the same time...  Flexible work, virtual work, non-linear career paths, even babies at work are all covered in the book, The Custom-Fit Workplace: Choose When, Where, and How to Work and Boost Your Bottom Line, by Joan Blades and Nanette Fondas.  All royalties from sales of this book go to MomsRising!  Click here to get the book!

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