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The perverse thing about writing and organizing around work/family balance is that it has profoundly messed with my personal work/family balance. Traveling is something I try to avoid except for fun. That said, launching MomsRising is a big deal so, as the saying goes, rules are made to be broken and I’ve been traveling quite a bit of late.

I was thrilled when after I spoke at the annual Theatre Communications Group conference in Atlanta, GA some mothers and other theater directors approached me with ideas for a theater project based upon The Motherhood Manifesto. Building awareness about these issues is no small challenge. It is going to require the creativity and passion of many to make these kitchen table issues hit the main stream radar so that we have the ability to organize and supporting real cultural and political change. At The Take Back America Conference “The Men’s Auxiliary” was proposed. Awesome!

Working with MoveOn I have learned that the member base is a deep source of inspiration, expertise and guidance. Not to forget the primary engine amplifying our collective work. I hope that MomsRising will tap even deeper into the core member resource by listening deeply and working collaboratively with members and organizations that share the commitment to make our country a place where all families have the opportunity to thrive. So far we have a book, documentary, website, t-shirt and song. But that is just a start.

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