Mamas and caregivers, we see you. We know that when things get hard, things get harder with caregiving. We often don’t get to stop and rest in the same ways. So take a DEEP BREATH and know we see you and are sending love your way.
What we also know as moms and in being in community with so many of you, is that moms get sh*t done! So it was zero surprise to us following the election that we’ve been hearing from moms from every corner of this country asking how they can create networks of support in their local communities. We hear you and we got you! But before you check on the resources and ideas below, know that these are things you likely already do as a parent and caregiver, which means you already have everything you need to support your family, your community, and the movement in the months and years ahead.
I often say that all you have to do is look at your local PTA, community spaces, child care center, meal trains, community gardens, and even kids’ birthday parties to know that moms are the original organizers! The only difference is that in creating these communities of love, we also want to turn them into communities of support, protection, and action to prepare for what’s ahead. Check out the ideas and resources below and add your own in the comments.
Local community actions you can take:
Create and support existing mutual aid services and fundraisers to support your local community. For a quick explainer, check out this great AAPI Women Lead resource.
Join Friends of the Library to support and protect public libraries in our communities.
Create or map out and tell your networks about local community gardens, free fridges, Buy Nothing Groups, food pantries, and free sanitary and clothing pick up points.
Join your child’s School Advisory Council (or like groups), Parent Teacher Association, and Head Start Parent leader programs to help support and protect public education in your communities!
Create or donate to Free Libraries in communities being impacted by censorship and focus on communities less likely to be able to access these books freely. For example, in Florida, 904 Forward has gone as far as building free libraries specifically in communities directly impacted.
Get to know your neighbors! Host a Potluck focused on connection with Recipes for Connection.
Host or join local community meetings with actions: Playdates, community art therapy, community clean ups, and more! You can also sign up for MomsRising Alerts to hear about parent leadership programs, local events, and more in your state!
Kids Activity Ideas:
Do the MomsRising Community Safety Coloring Challenge: https://www.momsrising.org/blog/momsrising-community-safety-coloring-challenge
Make window or yard signs (recycle your election signs with positive messages and help reduce waste!). Some great ideas here on upcycling election signs from Sacramento.
Check out the Sesame Street Workshop for resources on talking to kids about racial justice, democracy, community togetherness, and more.
Head to this PBS Resource, Talking with Young Kids About Elections, Democracy and Justice for All.
Work with your kiddo on what they may have control on to help if they are having big feelings and frustrations. Maybe they want to join their student government at school? Organize their friends on a justice centered art project or organize a community clean up.
Resources for Family Safety:
Join the MomsRising Beacon Program, Apply by Jan 6th here
Queer families and preparing, All Family Legal Resource for Queer Families
Creating Mutual Aid Groups, AAPI Women Lead Mutual Aid Explainer
Immigrant Families, Know Your Rights United We Dream Resource
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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