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The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, signed into law today by President Obama, will make a huge difference in changing the health of our nation’s children.  There’s clearly something very wrong with the way food and nutrition are handled in a country when one in four kids is on the brink of hunger and one in three kids under 12 is obese or overweight.  This law will help address these closely intertwined and extremely vexing issues.

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act has the potential to change a child’s whole day, every day, for the better.  This historic law will help improve the nutritional quality of school lunches, get junk food out of school vending machines and support strong nutrition and physical activity policies and practices in schools and child care settings.

It’s taken us 30 years to make significant improvements in school lunches and we’re proud to have been part of the effort to accomplish this historic achievement. MomsRising members made more than 400,000 constituent contacts in less than five months to encourage Members of Congress to support the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.  We are incredibly gratified to see that bill become the law of the land.

I'll be talking about this in just a couple of hours on the Mario Solis Marich radio show.  Hope that you can listen in and share your thoughts here!

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